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You Can Trust This Man?!

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Sinead_O | 09:22 Fri 21st Jun 2024 | News
33 Answers

So Corbyn would have made a great Prime Minister, according to Keir Starmer- yep, the IRA's mate who has "friends" in Hamas and wants to pull out of NATO.  Now Starmer thinks he can be trusted with the national security of our country.  What a pillock.




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Starmer was like a deer caught in the headlights when they quoted his own words back to him about Jeremy Corbyn- brilliant example of not being able to answer a straight question.  Wriggle wriggle.

When Keir Starmer said, “I do think Jeremy Corbyn would make a great prime minister”, did he mean the Jeremy Corbyn who said, “I am against the replacement of Trident and the nuclear missile system that goes with it”?

Did he mean the Jeremy Corbyn who said, “Wouldn’t it be wonderful if every politician around the world, instead of taking pride in the size of their armed forces, did what the people of Costa Rica have done and abolished their army.”

Did he mean the Jeremy Corbyn who said, “Why don’t we turn it around and close down Nato” and “I’d rather we weren’t in it”?

Maybe he meant the Jeremy Corbyn who said, “It will be my pleasure and my honour to host an event in Parliament where our friends from Hezbollah will be speaking… I’ve also invited friends from Hamas”?

Having found it acceptable to urge the British people to make Jeremy Corbyn prime minister, how can anyone have confidence in Starmer’s judgement on our national security?

The robot who stood for election twice on a Corbynite manifesto and now can't even say whether he stands by his own statements needs to realise the British public aren't fools.

Starmer couldn't be straight if his life depended upon it.

"The robot who stood for election twice on a Corbynite manifesto and now can't even say whether he stands by his own statements needs to realise the British public aren't fools."

TThe problem is, many of the British public are fools. hey take little or no noice of politicians most of the time (and nobody can really blame them for that) but when it comes to voting time, they want "change". Unfortunately they don;t know what that might entail.

This is an odd election because quite honestly the current Tory rabble needs kicking out. The problem is, the alternative (as demonstrated in this thread) is too horrendous to contemplate. But it has to be endured from time to time so that those who have never lived as adults under a proper Labour government (which includes all those born after about 1959) can find out what it's like. It seems that unfortunate time has come round.

In a way it will be good for those that have never experienced real Labour to get a taste of it. Then perhaps they'll not be so eager for "change".

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Thanks for the link, Naomi

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The defence of this country has never been more important, and I don't understand why more people don't wake up and smell the coffee.  Ben Wallace gave an outstanding valedictory speech in the House of Commons.  I'm not too good at making links work but perhaps someone can help me post this.

Sinead, that link works fine.  I think links need a space between them and anything else posted.  I'm no technical genius but leaving spaces above and below a link works for me.

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Thanks again Naomi, I'll get there :)

You're welcome.  

Fair play to the man - he was comparing Corbyn to the undescended testicle Johnson!

By the way Sinead_O - what are your opinions on *this* echo chamber?!


Incidentally - your link worked...but I had to copy and paste it into a browser for some reason. Not sure what you're doing, but you shoudl be able to copy the URL from your other browser screen directly into AB - with a right click / copy / paste.

// you shoudl be able to copy the URL from your other browser screen directly into AB //

no, that doesn't work. to do a link I have to copy from browser to word, then copy it again from word, then post to AB. if I copy direct to AB from browser it appears as an unclickable text description.

SP,  I imagine Sinead did copy and paste her link as you say - I know of no other way - but I have discovered - by trial and error - that if line spaces are not inserted before and after links they don't work. 


Nothing to do with Johnson.  Starmer was squirming.  He's a self-serving egotist who hasn't the courage he was born with.

"Mush" to save that awful faff   ...   type https://www.  and then paste the url but only copy the url AFTER the www. in the site address box. Make sure you do not get 2 dots and that there is not a space. 

You should all get yourselves an Apple iMac and use Safari.  No trouble at all just copying the link as it is instead of messing about;-))



"He's a self-serving egotist who hasn't the courage he was born with."


Thing is - you could say that about soooo many politicians today, and the charge would stick.

Tere are many (many many many) who would say exactly the same about Boris Johnson or Trump, or Macron or Farage or Sunak ane you'd think, "Yeah - that pretty much sums him up".

ladybirder that what it is!

I've been using Macs and iPhones for about 20 years and have never had issues with links. So it's a Windows thing!!!

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