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Farage's Favourite Foods.

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sandyRoe | 09:12 Mon 01st Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
9 Answers

His publicity photographs often show him in a bar with a cigarette hanging from his mouth, a pint in one hand and a meat pie in the other.  I wonder when he's not in front of the cameras if his tastes are different?

Harold Wilson smoked a pipe in public but enjoyed fine Cuban cigars in private.

Roy Jenkins developed a taste for the finest clarets but would sometimes be seen when there was s camera around quaffing a pint if scrumpy.

I'd see Farage as a lobster and foie gras man washed down with a chilled white wine.

Any other politicians come to mind who are two faced when it comes to food and drink?



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Ed Milliband used to enjoy a bacon butty I'm told (his usual fare was humble pie). 😂

They are all two faced about everything.

I would imagine Corbyn quaffing litres of Vodka, Sunak probably nothing stronger than the odd shandy, Norman Tebbit washing his meals down with a jug of molten lava, and Johnson quenching his thirst with breast-milk.

Not sure what Thatcher drank in public, but it's rumoured that in private she drank lots and lots of milk, stolen from the mouths of the country's schoolchildren.

And we all know that Michael Howard drinks nothing but blood.

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Yes, something of the night about Howard.

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I'm surprised nobody has defended Nigel's traditional English tastes, boiled beef and carrots or fish and chips.

Keir Starmer - a pint of warm beer...?

Humble Pie?

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Would Sir Keir drink a pint?  I see him more of an abstemious green tea drinker.

Umble pie.

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Farage's Favourite Foods.

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