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A Thank You To Prudie, Clemintino And Others

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barry1010 | 17:45 Mon 01st Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
6 Answers

For helping me with this problem

I didn't reply on that thread because it won't show on latest posts and won't be noticed.

I bought carpet beetle spray and used it a few days after my post.  A week later there was a few more of those 'grains of rice' so I sprayed again.  A bright torch showed a lot of bald patches in the carpet under the bed.  Two weeks later there was only three and I have been checking weekly and no more signs, thankfully.

Thanks again to all who commented, you pointed me in the right direction and saved me the cost of a pest control company - and possibly new carpets.  



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 Barry, I'm pleased you have finally overcome the carpet beetle problem.

I was lucky that my heavy use of the steam-cleaner worked fairly quickly, and none have appeared since. 





Question Author

I can't get on with steam cleaners, I've tried a couple.

I'm just happy the damage is minimal


My steam cleaner is very old and easy to use. (Morphy Richards  Allergy compact cleaner)

It was a godsend when we had the dogs



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 I find a rubber blade is the best for getting hair out the carpets, or dragging your feet in rubber soled slippers. 😁

Silicon/rubber brooms also work really well...easier on the knees than feet dragging 😉. Smaller pet brushes are good on furniture. I've got this broom... User Recommendationref=sr_1_18?crid=32ZYDVHKZ1IL8&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.5vFeCKX1tRGFza9CsUUPlq8HsenAKZFfvNRIbSbzB1DD7f72Geyw-hZlwysTuxQAbXeOcQ1ow8dsV4KVQRVVIV_FWb-YT14iprkoKHLQ93J78ZJ4P8cG4tK5vSz1KaUG47cUXicOXVPKL5u26g2qf1dPicrypJgTfwm6brI9Hwqxyb02IMsRjEAubQO86rK0YJ5I4VJiVBIqUh-M5Fy7SAL3K1X4mYXN4g65CeViul8waOTOvS5l74P3MAOn85vt_rIbL_Pz3XE6v_kuJ5l9ZW2nYpunBN-YyPYebMvsiB8.2jzqgZDCXbDkB-occHtW8jSn03wcFSSW01A-uX1_TFs&dib_tag=se&keywords=silicone+pet+broom&qid=1719877047&sprefix=silicon+pet+broom%2Caps%2C145&sr=8-18

Question Author

Looks good, my rubber blade is on a broomstick, I don't think I bought it like that but it works. 

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