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Southend On Sea

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johnny.5 | 09:47 Wed 03rd Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
8 Answers

I'm off there tomorrow for a few days r+r any recomendations on what I should not miss out on ?



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I hear the pier is quite big

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it would appear so 😂

Southend pier is said to be the longest pleasure pier in the world. It is a mile and a third long. It is a nice stroll if the weather is good but there is a train that runs every half hour and does the journey in about ten minutes.

The pier features in the closing credits of the final three series of TV's "Minder". These are the later episodes starring Gary Webster as Ray Daley, Arthur's nephew and minder. The pair are seen walking along the pier towards the shore when Arthur checks his pockets and realises he has mislaid his lighter, so they have to turn round and trek back to the pier head. This, and other films and TV shows featuring the pier are explained on the pier's website:

You can find a clip of tthe closing credits but I won't post it here as I'm sure the lengthy link won't work.

It's a nice walk along the cliffs at Westcliff on a sunny day. 

I lived there, well Westcliffe on Sea(Estury), for a while.

Tots night club was the place to be (gone now I think) but yes the pier is well worth the trip. It is very long!


I was born there! Here's the minder sequence:


Head back to Leigh on sea  old fishing stalls selling the days catch, the Peterboat does decent food and has seating on the harbour wall.  Good for birding too.   

The Pier Museum is one of my favourite museums in the UK.  It's only open at weekends though, so you'll have to wait a couple of days before you can visit it:

There are some good restaurants along the seafront at Westcliff, especially if you enjoy seafood.  e.g. . . .

There's a comedy magic show on tomorrow night, which might be worth visiting:

Leigh-on-Sea is Southend's much classier neighbour:

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