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Kate Given Standing Ovation Art Wimbledon

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naomi24 | 10:28 Tue 16th Jul 2024 | News
8 Answers

//The Princess of Wales was given a standing ovation at Centre Court where she watched the Wimbledon men's singles final between Carlos Alcaraz and Novak Djokovic with her daughter Princess Charlotte.

It was Catherine's second public appearance following her cancer diagnosis and abdominal surgery earlier this year.//


Good to see such an improvement in the frail, pale, brave lady who only a few months ago, because of widespread speculation and criticism,  was obliged to come on screen to tell the world she is undergoing treatment for cancer.  May her health continue to improve - and by the way - love the dress!



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I agree and I don't think she looked ill at all which is great. All eyes would have been upon her which must have been an ordeal (if you care about your appearance to the outside world you'd understand). I heard some mealy mouthed woman guest on Jeremy Vine yesterday saying she thought it was unfair on all the other cancer sufferers who don't get standing ovations. What a mean spirited sour individual.

I didn't know she played.

Totally agree Naomi.  It was wonderful seeing her looking so good.  It must have been an ordeal for her especially without William by her side.

I didn't hear Jeremy Vine yesterday Prudie but I hope he responded well to the mealy mouthed woman.  There are some sad individuals around.

She looked lovely and seemed to enjoy chatting to winner, Carlos Alcacraz, indoors after the match -  Princess Charlotte also seemed to be enjoying her day out.


"I didn't know she played."

The Palace has an altogether different racket, OG. 🎾

I wonder if she asked the champion, 'Carlos, you looked hot this afternoon?'

for those who didn't see it, google Annabelle Croft's post-match interview from Alcaraz's semi-final win....

It was good to see her looking so well. And Charlotte was just scrumptious. 
What was little Louis doing while his sister was at Wimbledon and brother at the Euros? He's going to be annoyed about that at some point. 🙂

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