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Foot Massagers

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calda49 | 16:06 Thu 18th Jul 2024 | Body & Soul
6 Answers

I have very swollen ankles when I wake up (oedema??), and I was wondering if I would benefit from a foot massager machine. Would welcome views from anyone in a similar situation,thanks.



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Was no use to me,if you mean "Revitive".

There are many causes of swollen ankles including medication so what works for one won't work for everyone.

Do you know the cause? What have you tried so far?

Husband has swollen ankles so I bought him a machine. It didn't help. We ended up having competitions to see who could bear the highest frequency of vibrations. (Me!)

Diuretics (water tablets) might help.

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Thank you for your answers. I think perhaps I need a conversation with the nurse as I am on alsorts of medication.

That's the best bet - some swollen ankles benefit from compression socks but for others that will make them a lot worse.   The nurse will know what is the best for you.  In the meantime, keep them raised as much as you can, and try sleeping with them on a pillow.  Think about cutting down on salt.  Don't squash your feet in to uncomfortable shoes. Don't stop walking, increase your walks if you are able to but not if it is painful or causes more swelling.


If your ankles are swollen upon waking (when you've had them elevated while sleeping), your nurse may identify a medication or underlying health condition causing this. Your best benefit may be a strategy to keep them elevated as Barry recommended. An ottoman or a recliner may be a good investment.

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