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Has It All Changed?

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nailedit | 15:06 Fri 19th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
42 Answers

I don't come on AB much nowadays, but when I do look in, it all seems to have changed.

Not much banter (not much of anything actually),

Chatterbanks died a death.

A lot of familiar posters seeem to have done one.

Whats happened???



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since the tyrannical Labour regime outlawed dissident opinions...

some have popped their clogs

Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

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People likeypuhave stopped posting.

People like you...

That's unkind, Handsome.


autocomplete has driven many of the finest away...

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How do I turn off the auto correct?

The changes on AB have probably been caused by natural ageing and by changes in peoples' interests. New members have joined, and they bring their own likes, preferences, etc. to AB. Older members have gone to meet their makers, or have simply decided that they do not care for the newer atmosphere that the new members have brought with them. It's all down to natural changes, natural ageing, and so on. One day, AB will fade away, and then there will be - well - nothing.




Thank you, Jno.

Has it wokoed?


I'll just type Khandro again. 

Yeah! Thank you.

Sorry to digress, Nails.

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//Sorry to digress, Nails//

No problem Tills 😀

I find it rather puzzling when ABers complain about AB and the 'boring' threads yet rarely start threads. 

Even more puzzling are the ABers who posts on threads just to complain about them.   If you don't like it, just scroll on by and post a thread about something more to your taste.

I'm still enjoying the site, I still get good help and advice.  Still have a laugh.  


I'm curious about "has it wokoed?" from Tilly2. How does something "woko", and how do you know when it's done that?

bookbinder, I'm sure you know it's a typo

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