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Removing An Elastoplast

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Mags22 | 16:34 Mon 22nd Jul 2024 | Body & Soul
8 Answers

I've got a plaster on a sensitive skin on my forearm,already marked my skin pulling a corner, does anyone have an easy method of removal? I'm 80+ so my skin's not as robust as it was.



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For me, I find a bit of oil (baby or cooking) and leave for a few minutes. My skin tears if anything like that is pulled off harshly.
16:40 Mon 22nd Jul 2024

Do you have any nail-varnish remover?  Soak the edges of the plaster in that, wait a moment and try to peel off. I usually works.  Soapy, warm water left long enough and reapplied several times often works too.

For me, I find a bit of oil (baby or cooking) and leave for a few minutes. My skin tears if anything like that is pulled off harshly.

Yes, I'd forgotten that oil also works, ferlew.  Gentler than n-v remover as well.

I had an ECG done last year, after she had finished I was in the middle of saying "please don't tear the pads off" and she had pulled off two of them. She was mortified and close to tears when she saw the result. I never let a health care worker pull one off if I can help it, I warm them first now.

"warm them first" ??
I warn them I mean.

One can only try ferlew.  'Close' here in E, Yorkshire, isn't it?  I wish it would rain properly for an hour and  water the garden for me - also a friend's pots (he's away and entrusted me with them).

Oh it is jourdain, proper muggy and oppressive. We've had about 3 miserly drizzles today, could do with a damned good 'chuck it down'

Put Vaseline on the top of the plaster and it should lift off easily 

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Removing An Elastoplast

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