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Bombshell Update Shows How Badly Tories Messed Up As A £20Billion Black Hole Found ?

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gulliver1 | 13:23 Fri 26th Jul 2024 | News
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Rachel Reeves will tell MPs how bad things are after taking over the reigns from the Self serving, Con Crony, Trousering Tory Party. Saying she has uncovered a whopping great £20Bn black hole in the outgoing Tory accounts.She is going to address the commons on monday to tell all. So that people will know where their money has been going in the last fourteen years ,,,Get the popcorn out folks I can't wait.😎



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She had the files for a while, how come she just found it?

No, they want to raise taxes, as they always intended, to pay for net zero and other lefty rubbish.  And surprise surprise they will try to blame the general public.

What I would like to know is why politiicans (from both partys) seem to think we all have the same intelligence level as you?

This was predicted ages ago.


On June 10, Paul Johnson, director of the independent Institute of Fiscal Studies, called out Reeves in advance.

He said: "We will be very rude if a new government comes in and says 'This is a terrible shock, we've opened the books and the Office for Budget Responsibility have told us something we never expected'."

Johnson added: "The books are open. Everyone knows exactly the problems a new government will inherit."


You seem delighted to hear taxes will have to go up , gulliver. So reminiscent of bayboy1 whom I stumbled upon recently- he used to gloat from Spain I think it was at any misfortune for the UK

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A Labour source said "On monday the British Public will finally see the true scale of the damage the Conservatives have done to the public purse and spent taxpayers money on themselves and their Cronies like there was no tomorrow. Because they knew someone else would have to pick up the bill.

It's okay Gulliver, as everyone knows Labour are economic geniuses and will wave their magic wands and all will be well.  Also £ 20 billion sounds quite pricey for a black hole, am sure I could have sourced one for a fraction of the price.  

Probably the Furlough Scheme and the energy payments or have you forgotten them Gulliver?

They cost the Government Billions of pounds.

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I Think Labour should make this coming Monday a Public holiday and set up large screens *Wembley style* all around the Country .So that everyone knows where their money has been going to for the past 14 years.

The think that irritates the bejesus out of me about politicians, no matter what their hue, is they seem to think everybody is of the same limited intellect as Gulliver.


As has already been said the books were open, so IF there is a £20bn hole, they'd have known about it. They have not just discovered it down the back of the sofa. All Reeves is doing is softening us up for tax rises, and at the point taxes are raised she'll say she had to because of the alleged hole. Its sneaky.

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Bet Sunak Hunt will be squirming a bit this weekend waiting for Monday.   They  will probably both have a sickie.

Just why will Hunt and Sunak be worried.

Can't you read, the books have been available, labour knew what was in them when electioneering.  

Unless they have found a big hole all of a sudden that a bunch of independant experts couldnt the only reason can be is it is to 'soften' for tax rises.

We are not all that gullible though.  Even labour voters.

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Andres 14.04 "Probably the Furlough scheme or have you gorgotten Gulliver"Do you mean the £60 million awarded to Baroness Mone and husband and the PPE Fiddle between Matt Hancock and his pub landlord or have you forgotten Andres.     "They cost the Goverment" (Tax Payer) "Billions of pounds"

No, he means the furlough scheme where billions was spent (wrongly in my view) to pay people to sit at home for a year or so.

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15.49 should read "Forgotten"

the 20bn hole is real... it was mentioned several times by commentators sympathetic to both sides in the leadup to the general election. labour chose to ignore it until now so they can justify reversing their promises about tax. 

my opinion is that they should raise taxes because the country needs it. it was however an extremely deceptive game to play and it is part of a wider pattern of deceitful behaviour on the part of starmer, who breaks promises constantly. 

the left warned us about his character. the labour party should have held him accountable long ago for his breaking of promises. this kind of behaviour (and his enthusiasm for war crimes) is exactly why i could not bring myself to vote for labour in the GE

Rachel Reeves ( The Raych) says o mercy me, there is no  money in the  treasury

well she  would wouldnt she ? - - - thx to Mandy R-D

and it has never been done before ( Ed Balls was involved in one -  there  is no mmoney left !)

and 1964 - Healey devaluation as a result of 14 y Tory Misrule

It’s time the country realised that the Tories are the party in financial incompetence – they have demonstrated this enough times throughout our history.

//It’s time the country realised that the Tories are the party in financial incompetence – they have demonstrated this enough times throughout our history.//

And Labour ARE WORSE!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Gulliver before the election Rachel Reeves said that she wanted to bring honesty back into politics and now she is saying that there is a big black hole in the books.  So which is it, either she is incompetent or she is lying as the books are open for anyone to see.  Lets see if you are willing to give an answer and not just your ignore the question or just have a go at the tories.

When she said she wanted to bring honesty back to politics she wasn't being truthful. The only black hole is in Labour's figures because they can't fund their pledges and they knew they couldn't fund them.    Here come the tax rises.   Don't say you weren't warned. 

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