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I Always Feel Uncomfortable In Some Way, Whats The Solution

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bluefortress | 19:23 Sat 27th Jul 2024 | Body & Soul
17 Answers

Have any of you experienced similar..

Basically I never find that im able to feel at ease. There is work mon - fri where Im constantly on the go.


In the evenings my sinus/inflammatory issues are more noticable (as im less distracted). Im taking all the meds and I dont want surgery so nothing else can do  

On saturday I wake up with a headache which lasts into sunday (i think because of tension at work). On sunday the headache is still there but resolving. 

Then back to work monday. 

This cycle has repeated itself for months

I dont even have kids 




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I was fortunate enough never to have any health problems, still don't. I always had weekends to look forward to. That helped. Get yourself a hobby or a pass time. When the going gets heavy, think about the coming weekend and what you'll be doing. I promise it will help.

It seems to me that your job is causing you undue stress. Is it time to look around for a change?

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Clarion thats pretty good going, I thought most people had at least one chronic health condition to deal with. 

May - I was wondering this, I think the actual team is ok but theres just a lot to do in one day and people are giving feedback on your performance all the time. It sort of makes you feel on pins all day but I thought that jobs where full on everywhere these days. 

Is it your dream job? If not what would you do if you could do anything at all as a job?

You should take some time each day to pamper yourself in some way. Just spend half an hour reading a book, doing a crossword, sitting in the garden, going for a walk, what ever gives you some peace.

You can't run on empty. You need to revitalise in some wahy that suits you.

Don't overthink things. This too will pass. Your only here for a short time. Enjoy the now, etc.

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Tilly- as I dont have kids I do have time in the evenings to do what I like but even when i go for a walk or try to relax im still feeling tired/uncomfortable. I blame a lot on my sinus condition but am not sure how much its responsible for I might just have a weak mental state. 

May - thats a good question, I really dont know! I guess im in the line of work i wanted to be as a kid but Ive lost passion I guess

Maybe you need a holiday!

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Maybe so, I'l have to save up Ive got an overdraft to pay first D : D Its my own fault though for spending on unneccasary stuff. 

Yea thansk for the suggestions though, I think I'l go for a drive/bit of scenery next week

That's one good option. A change of scenery. Do it regularly, go to different places. I'm sure it will help and won't really cost anything. Give it a go!

Meditation after work. There are plenty of tapes and videos online to guide you. Do something for an hour that takes your full attention, I do online games like mahjong , it will break the cycle of your mind going ten to the dozen. Think seriously about your job. Years ago I got a fantastic job but the pressure was so intense I ended up in hospital with severe anxiety, so severe I has a seizure. I changed not just jobs but careers and never looked back, life is too short to push yourself to the point of ill health.

Talk to the people you work with/ for and ask if feedback could be restricted to maybe two   structured sessions per week. Explain that the way it is done now is counterproductive and what you need is time to properly process what is said so you can incorporate it into your practice.  

I agree with meditation but suspect a more active type would be more helpful, mindful walking, or swimming maybe.

I also wonder if your sinus problems are causing you more problems than you realise,  if they are infected even at a low level you can't feel 100%, and anything that impacts on breathing can create low level anxiety due to bio feedback mechanisms which sense the partial obstruction and the brain will interpret it as a bit of a threat.  I would reconsider treatment options can't hurt, might help.

I never talked in any structured way with work colleagues about anything outside of work. Work and pleasure never mixed for me. I never went to any works functions or outings. I couldn't see the point. Other things had my interest outside of work. I think that's what's needed here. Seperate the two and see the difference.

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I will look into meditation type activities I have tried certain things

Rowanwitch - yea sinuses definately bother me, family think im hyperfocused on them so for months Ive been trying to accept that everyone has problems and to just get on with stuff. I am not sure how much mental state/anxiety is contributing to the symptoms though there is certainly a large element kf physical.

The diagnosis is persistantrhinitis/ chronic sinusinitis with polyps I have to take daily nasal steroids and antihistamine but I think the turbunates are swollen. Ive seen 2 ent doctors over the past 2 years one said I dont need surgery another recommended septoplasty/turbinate reduction and other stuff. Thing is im terrified of surgery and as doctors are saying diffrent things Im confused as to what will really help. So im stuck in a state of indecision  

Sometimes I can tolerate them other times theres pressure/blockage and discomfort 

Thanks for all your replies btw very helpful

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Possibly you were inspired, as I was, by the 55-year-old who made it to the Olympics as a table tennis competitor. Her secret was a ball machine she purchased to stay active during Covid.
At the peak of my health, I had a 20-minute workout (heart rate above 120) 3 times a week. Although it's easy to allow obstacles to prevent us from sticking with this, it's often the missing ingredient so that we know we are doing our part. Perhaps this message is an inspiration for me to also remain determined in my efforts.

Proverbs 17:22 "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine..."
Another, even more basic practice for becoming physically refreshed is maintaining cheerfulness. When we are genuinely overwhelmed by obstacles, even to the point of being unable to work, we can still maintain a cheerful attitude.
Why did the cookie go to the doctor? He was feeling crummy. Why did the orange go? He wasn't peeling well.

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