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Yodel Delivery - Can I Swear!??

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Smowball | 17:15 Tue 30th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
15 Answers

I arranged an air condition unit to be delivered today to Youngsmow in Devon, as they are sweltering in their flat in this heat. First this this morning I get email confirming delivery today, followed by 2nd message narrowing time down to between 12 -2pm. Spoke to his gf and she stayed in to wait for it. Bout 1.30 I get message from YODEL saying they'd attempted delivery at 12.49 but no luck so will try tomorrow!! Check with gf - she hasnt left lounge and front door opens into lounge! Nobody has knocked or anything. Go on YODEL website- you cannot spk to a human being so live chat is only option, which is basically pretending to be a human by using a name but is in fact all automated. Give tracking. Says same thing - attempted delivery and card was left. Erm, no it wasn't!! No card was left. I don't know where this driver went but he didn't go to their flat. Just get same answer repeated over and over..... will try again tomorrow. Where probably the same thing will happen!! What are you meant to do when you cannot speak to an actual person!?? I said to this live chat surely you can contact driver. No luck  whatsoever. To say I am seething is an understatement!



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Did you choose to use Yodel, or was it a given?

I avoid having anything delivered by Yodel or Evri. I try to buy from Amazon - their Prime deliveries always go smoothly round here.

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It was a given. I had no idea who the supplier would be delivering thru. 

If you've not already got it, contact the sender to get the tracking number. 

Then call Yodel on 0344 755 0117 after 0900 tomorrow.  (Lines are only open 0900 to 1700, Mon-Fri).  Calls are charged at the same rate as those to 01 or 02 numbers which if, for example, you've got spare 'included minutes' on your mobile phone package, your call will be free.

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I've rang that number Chris - you only get two options, if neither of those are what you want it just hangs up. If you select one and pretend it IS what you want it just asks for tracking, which you give, and u get an automated voice again saying same thing.... tried to deliver blah blah.No human being ever appears!!

Do as ginge suggests Smow.  Order through Amazon Prime as often as you can as they really are brilliant.

Amazon now uses Evri for some of its Prime deliveries

In the past they used Yodel, not sure when they stopped, there were many complaints.,including%20Tesco%2C%20Argos%20and%20Boots.

Yodel was renamed Evri a couple of years ago.  Deliveries depend very much on who the driver is.  I've never had any issues with Evri but I know a lot of people in other areas who have.


I was Hermes who were renamed Evri, Yodel is a different Company. Evri were dire.

We have our wine delivered by Yodel they are great, but I expect a lot of them depend on the local drivers.

Apologies Ubassas, my mistake.  I couldn't tell you the last time I saw a Yodel delivery van so maybe that's why I thought that they were the ones who rebranded.

Have you got the Yodel app. You can download for free and I have managed to speak to a live human using it

Swear away - much good it'll do you. It'll probly come tomorrow.

We get a lot of deliveries by Evri.

Never had a problem.

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 Bizarrely I was going to order thru Amazon Prime but MIL persuaded me to use a link she sent me to buy from the guys she ordered from recently.

No I haven't downloaded the app  - I'll try that too.

My EVRI driver is brilliant. I get work deliveries from him 2 times a week and he delivers on time every single time.

Apparently I received an upright vacuum cleaner from Amazon on Saturday afternoon. I've telephoned them but got to ring again tomorrow. I've not had problems with Amazon before but the driver who calls in the afternoon doesn't always bring the parcels up to the individual flats which is such a nuisance, particularly as quite a lot of us have mobility problems. So it's not just you.

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Yodel Delivery - Can I Swear!??

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