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Just A V Quick Good Morning Saturday Birds!

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Smowball | 09:00 Sat 03rd Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
7 Answers

Just thought I'd give you all a v quick update as you've all been so lovely about my planned trip!

Was a pretty long day, with cancelled trains,(not mine but prev ones so all pushed onto mine), everywhere was usual chaotic summer madness. Got 1st train @10am and got to hotel at bout 4.15pm. After an hrs freshen up, cup of tea etc I made my way to my sons to meet baby Theo. (Only 10 mins away). Omg he is just perfect! I could have just looked at him for hours. Only stayed a couple of hours as son has been up since 4am with work, so am going to see them today for a proper visit. Can't wait.

Have a wonderful day everyone xx




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Morning Smow, so pleased you got there in the end.  Have a lovely day with Theo.

Ahhh, how nice.  Have a lovely day, smow.  I'm sure you will.  

I bet that first cuddle was magical. Enjoy the rest of your trip, I envy you.😁

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Ahhh Thanku guys - I knew I could rely on you lot to comment : ) : )

Yes he was 5 weeks old yesterday - he just seems so tiny, even their cat is bigger lol!  Cat is very bemused - it's like 'Hey, I've been here for 2 years - what's this dribbling, crying blob that you've now brought home!??'. So funny lol! 

You sound like you are in your element, enjoy your stay and all the cuddles.

Sp pleased for you that you have finally got to meet Theo, Smow.
Enjoy every moment whilst you are there :)

I was quite unprepared for the emotional reaction the birth of my first grandchild brought.  It's wonderful.  So pleased for you, have a lovely visit. :)

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Just A V Quick Good Morning Saturday Birds!

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