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Medical Jargon

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JellyTotty | 11:39 Mon 05th Aug 2024 | Body & Soul
9 Answers

Hello everyone, please could someone give me any idea from a recent uterine scan I had. The report read '7 x 3 x 4mm hypoechoic area with vascularity and mass with feeder vessel, endometrium 7mm'

Thank you! 



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Did your doctor not explain the results to you?

Question Author

The doctor was very rushed in explaining and it just wasn't very clear at all. Now I've had time to read the report sent to my gp and still unsure what it means. 

I'd get back to your doctor - much better than asking on AB for 
the meaning of a medical report.  Surely you have to know whether further investigation or treatment is required?

Hi JellyTotty, welcome to the AnswerBank.  You'd really be best advised to make a telephone appointment with your GP to ask him to explain it properly to you.  Do please let us know how you get on.

Did the GP mention a polyp?

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I was told could be a polyp. Then asked if any of my family had cancer. I am going to have this removed soon for testing. Just wanted to know how big an area is 7 x 3 x 4mm too..... 

Your GP should be happy to answer your questions.

Can you email him or her?

well the know-alls on Ab just havent done DRCOG 101. 

7mm is about 1/4 in -  small. You may not think so - 

hypoechoic from  the screen - not as white on the  screen as some areas. Vascularity means there are blood  vessels - in fact thereis a feeding vessel


endometrium 7 mm is the  thickness of the  specialised epithelial lining of the  walls  of the uterus.

I cant imagine they have left you in limbo - I imagine they have worked out some plan?

no bother - you said you wanted to know what the  terms meant



I am going to have this removed soon for testing.

yes so there is a plan  - ask as soon as you are called.

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Medical Jargon

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