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Wordle August 9Th

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JJ109 | 23:34 Thu 08th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
30 Answers

Good Morning everyone! Not my best effort!

Wordle 1,147 5/6


Congratulations to Elliemay, the only oneof us to solve in 2 yesterday!



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Wordle 1,147 2/6⬜🟨🟨🟨⬜🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩So impressed with myself, not for solving it but finding out how to show it!  I need to do it on my laptop, not my tablet.
13:04 Fri 09th Aug 2024

Wordle 1,147 3/6




Morning JJ and all 🤗

just a bit 🍀

Wordle 1,147 2/6


Wordle 1,147 3/6


well, three is better than my usual four (170 fours so far)

Wordle 1,147 3/6




Mine are all over the place day to day... I did have run of three's though, I'm amazed when two certain players don't get it in two... they seem to have a crystal ball.

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Wordle 1,147 3/6


Phew AGAIN! 😆

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Wordle 1,147 5/6


Arksided, you could always Ask a Friend in Samoa, which I suppose gets the new day's puzzle first.

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Jno, Nah, where's the fun in that. pointless playing if I knew the word 🤔

Wordle 1,147 3/6





Wordle 1,147 2/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 do you know about Arky's friend in Samoa ?? I told him not to tell anyone !!

I have friends in lots of different places.. my friend in Samoa let me know about a distant relative I have over there, and if I send £500 he'll sort out the hefty inheritance left to me

Wordle 1,147 2/6




Wordle 1,147 3/6


Wordle 1,147 3/6


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Wordle August 9Th

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