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Good Morning Friday Birds!

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Smowball | 08:36 Fri 09th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
32 Answers

It's almost the weekend!

Woke to to the mess of the neighbours unidentified cats being in the house again! I mean I know which 2 cats it is, I just don't know whose they are. So this morning I've come into the kitchen to find my large pot plant that's on kitchen windowsill above the sink is actually IN the  sink, upside down and with soil everywhere! Various bits that were on the side are on the floor, the kitchen mat is the other side of the room. 
I have caught these cats in my house several times - and in garden most days. I've tried almost everything, last thing being super soaker water pistols!! Which they do not like, but still come back! What the solution is I don't now - as my cats are scared of them and won't shoo them away : (

Looking great and dull here but is meant to be a real scorcher today and tomorrow - we shall see!!

Anyone got any weekend plans yet?x?




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Can you not get catflaps that lock & unlock based on tag on your own pet's collar ?

You'll have to lock the cat flap or get one that only opens if the cat is wearing the right collar. It's the only way.

Morning all, same same old sort of day for me.  Wrestling with the duvet covers is more than enough excitement 

Morning snow, is there such a thing as a device that only lets your cat through the cat flap?  I thought I read about something like that somewhere.

Oops!  Sorry OG and Barry.  You weren't there when I started typing.

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Good Morning OG - you well? Yes we tried that before but they kept losing the collars and so were  stuck outside! Tbh these 2 cats are just brazen - they treat my garden as if it's theirs. Now I know that cats can go anywhere, and I've no prob with them just sitting there, but not when they are chasing my own 2 and hissing at them.

Morning Barry - well, duvet wrestling could become  a sport lol.

OG is right, when we had cats we never had any feline intruders.  They had 3 settings, open both ways, entering only, exiting only.  Handy to stop them escaping if you need them in to take to the vets.

They used to come with the tags in different colours, so unlikely any  neighbours cats would have the same. Probably more modern now with programming for each individual flap.

I need to improve my typing speed!!!!

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Morning ubasses. Maybe we need to look into them again this weekend -  cant carry on like this, it's ridiculous! I'm just amazed that they haven't been deterred yet and just keep coming and coming back!

If people tip-toe around invaders they'll be taken advantage of.

Lessons are clearly not being learned so you either have to live with it or get serious about repelling.

Start by removing their god-like status and dealing with them in the real world where painful lessons are learned every day.

Oh, and good morning.

I'm a bit huffy the noo, somebody's playing fast and loose with their 'power' and there's nothing to be done about it.

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Morning Douglas - what's up?? .

Sorry Smow but if your cats kept losing their collars then they weren't fitted correctly.  I had two cats both fitted with the same collars as ubasses has mentioned and they worked brilliantly.  Such a relief.  Do try again and see how you go. I do hope you get it sorted.  Good Luck.

Any discussion of removed posts will be removed I'm afraid.

Rogue mod, perhaps trouble at home.

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Hi ladybirder - I shud say more like they loathe wearing collars and will do anything to get them off!  But yes I will look into them again this weekend,

Morning Smow.  You can get catflaps that read the animal's microchip.  I had one of those when I had a cat and it worked well.

Don't be trying one yourself will you?  You'll definitely get stuck;-)

Morning all.

Smow, could some do-gooder be taking the collars off your cats whilst they are out?

Is there such a catflap where the chip is implanted in the cat? 

Sorry, I didn't see 237SJ's post.

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 Morning everyone ive missed! (Naomi did I not say hello earlier ? Sorry! )

Morning Rocky,237SJ.... : )

Yes those catflap for chipped cats (sounds like a meal! LOL) look promising! 

Morning all. A friend was due to go on a hot air balloon ride today but its been cancelled as its too . I would rather chop off my leg than go in one of those things but its horses for courses I suppose.

Well done for sorting the AC out Smow, it obviously paid off going to the top bloke/blokesss.

A quiet day in for us today, The line from Porridge just popped into my head as I typed that.

Have a happy day y'all

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