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This Might Sound Like A Joke Question But It Isn't.

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sandyRoe | 15:13 Fri 09th Aug 2024 | Body & Soul
12 Answers

No change in diet but a big increase in flatulence.  Could this have anything to do with an unhappy gut microbiome ? If so, what might be upsetting it?

Are there any grounds for worry here?



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About 20 years ago I suffered with massive flatulence.  It got to the stage of about every 5 mins massive farts.  Whilst the source of much myrth for some it was downright uncomfortable.

In the end, 'er who must be obeyed carted me to the Quack (you could see one then).  He prescribed some small tablets which helped a bit whilst they did tests.  Seems I had IBS compounded by allergy to that nutty bread and coffe.  

Personally I think any change in bodily functions should be watched closely and off to the Quack if you can.

Has your doctor given you any antibiotics for something?

They always upset my tummy.

I am extra windy just now due to my new diet.  Luckily it is not escaping when I am out and about, not that I go out and about often these days.

Possibly a good starting point in your quest for information:

Sandy; Are you drinking bottled or canned beer ? worst of all, if you are, are you not drinking it by first pouring it into a glass ?

It's an easy way to take onboard too much CO2 ito the lungs which can also give back pain.


I did think a few days ago   ...   Sandy seems full of it. Is he tasting the cat food before puss? 

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No alcohol for more than 6 months, though a lot of fizzy water. I've also been taking co-codomal.


The cat food does have a rather attractive aroma but I'd need to be very hungry to want to see how it tastes.


Eat Greek Yogurt or any other live culture - it will reset you biome

I agree that PP has probably given good advice. It worked  a treat for me; I could hardly fart without wetting myself, but now I can fart to my heart's content and all is well. Farting is a good sign of tummy health - I eat a little pot of yogurt every morning. Good luck.

Live yoghurt is very good, I agree - and I eat it every morning  with banana.

Don't mess around with digestive changes though.  Hack your way through the jungle to see a doctor if at all bothered.

My life changed when I ditched the Shredded Wheat and Weetabix, and switched to porridge. Wheat, particularly wholewheat, has unfortunate effects. Similarly onions and sprouts are off the menu.

Switch to still water Sandy.

Stress can cause it as it affects digestion, so can toothache because you don't chew food properly and swallow more air whilst eating.

A myriad of reasons.   When I ate sweets, I found a whole packet of wine gums or sugar free polo mints was lethal for me.  Beware of guar gum and sorbitol! 

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