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How May Units Of Acohol

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nailedit | 22:35 Sat 10th Aug 2024 | Body & Soul
15 Answers

would it actually take to kill you?



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That one too many

threatening to kill yourself online is not big or clever.

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Just curious...


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Lost friends in the past. But no mention of exactly units consuned.

Just as that last pint pushes you from happy drunk to obnoxious aggressor, that last drink can push you from living to dead.

If we were matching each other drink for drink, you would die before me. 

depends on tolerance but a lot at once would be dangerous. There was a spate of drinking games a few years ago and kids were downing say a bottle of spirits, that killed them if they didn't throw it straight up.

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Lost my best friend when he was in his 30s. Died of alcohol poising.  Lost another rfiend in his early 30;s to hyperthermya. He died in the snow .

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Im not threatening to kill myself either,

Where the hell has that come from 😁

too variable to say - - for  you Nailit, it  may be impossible - that is you take enough to pass into unconsciouness and then.... you wake up a bit later

0.4% Blood alcohol level . 0r 5 litres of wine in 1 hour

I can recall official advice claiming that drinking one bottle (750ml) of 40% alcohol would result in death.

My stepmother regularly drank two bottles a day – however she did die in her late 50s.

For a £10 bet at a Christmas party, an idiot i know drank a full bottle of Vodka, straight from the bottle. He won the tenner but had to have his stomach pumped and was in intensive care for about a week.

His mother actually blamed me for letting him do it?

22:51, from your wild mood swings and 'woe is me' posts from the past, drunk or sober.

Once you're back in treatment you can start again, being in turn preachy to the world, grateful to the medics (after some complaining) then maybe stay off it this time, but I doubt it.

Depends on your body weight & tolerance. For me I would guess 2 bottles of whisky might be enough if I didn't throw up in the process.

I think a pleasurable (?) way to die might be to get drunk, wander off into the hills & succumb to hypothermia. (Not nice for whoever finds me though.)

I was once in a Wolverhampton wine bar with a doctor friend who was with a group of fellow doctors from the nearby hospital sending off a colleague who was leaving for another post.

One of them went behind the bar with half-pint glass and took a shot from every optic down the row. They then gave it to the one leaving who was already loaded to drink in one.

He did so, turned green and collapsed to the floor.

My friend turned to me and said, "Ours is a high-risk profession ."

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