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nailedit | 22:57 Thu 22nd Aug 2024 | Body & Soul
7 Answers

when did a shrink EVER  help you?



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Never, quite the opposite. When a new manager took over from my boss at one place I worked, he got a shrink in to interview all his direct reports to determine whether they were suitable for their jobs.  Apparently I wasn't, and my future at that company suffered as a result.  Fortunately the new manager proved to be mucking useless and got the bum's rush.

Never ....the last one I saw was in the early 80's ....very cold and totally without empathy was 'Here, keep taking these till you get a reaction' ....a week later I was almost suicidal. I didn't go back.

A psychologist helped me far more, but it took a change of gp twenty years later to pinpoint the problem and prescribe the correct treatment.

Some 24 years later and I function like a 'fairly normal' person ....says she, with tongue in cheek.


See your earlier thread.   I am pretty much together compared how I was in the past.  Still have unresolved issues  but  understand they can't be addressed  only accepted as part of who I am, Can't forget, Can't forgive, can understand why things happened but nothing removes the fact they were wrong.


One got my wife through her driving test with an hours simole advice.

I saw one once 40+ years ago. He said I had minor personality disorder but didn't really elaborate beyond that. I think I'm a failed psychopath...

Can't forget, Can't forgive,

yeah having real problems about that now Rowan. I can forgive the fella ( how  christian!) that was a bit of a struggle - but  his actions involved loss of jobs and loss of  careers

and I find it very  hard to say "oh  X lost his job and pension because of Y and i forgive Y"

yeah - I did a long one on Morphine psychosis which I didnt post

but  yes, the shrink by talking about my  delusions and hallucination whilst I was poisoned, did help me understand and accept.

later... difft circs, someone said - oh an NHS worker with cancer-  can I train on you?

three one hour sessions  which I found quite helpful

so suck it and see - -  I think that comment got deleted in one of my posts


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