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Who's Who On Ab?

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nailedit | 18:07 Tue 27th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
52 Answers

R.I.P Sqad who was the resident GP

Also R.I.P Theland who was the resident preacher.

NJ & BM seem to be the resident legal advisors.

naomi seems to be the voice of reason against religion

gully is the labour representitive.

3T is the millionaire

Khandro doesnt know if he's a Buddhist or a Christian.

Douglas is the comedian of AB

PP, well, what can be said???

Buen is AB's very own encylopedia.

AH is the dj on here with his knowledge of pop music.

Carry it on...

(and b4 anyone says it, yes I know that I am the p'head of AB. and im off to get another drink, back soon 😁)





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Hymie is the broken record....

Abbey is the fashion model.

PP is the cryptographer

TCL is the nitpicker

Rowan is the crafty one - in the nicest possible way.

Barry is a master of research.

PP is actually an early form of AI, possibly with bit of dodgy coding in there somewhere.

Wolf63 is really a cat, who's just biding her time before leading the revolution to wholly enslave all humans.

Sandy is AB's 'gentleman among gentlemen'.

Nailedit is possibly AB's most intelligent member, with his outstanding ability to ask incisive questions and also to clearly dissect arguments.

Campbellking is our expert on water sports (and a fellow cat slave!)

Haras2 is our Welsh correspondent.

Lie-in King is our resident quiz and crossword expert.

Karamia is just lovely, lovely, lovely! 😉

Mibn2cweus is the most intelligent man of mystery.

"Sandy is AB's 'gentleman among gentlemen'." - who calls baby beheaders "freedom fighters"? odd "gentleman"!

Keep it nice.  It's for fun.

Also R I P Mrs O who was the resident comedienne 😀


R I P Wendilla who was the resident astronomer 🔭


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Minty seems to have retired from the post of wishing ABers good morning so Smow is now the resident good morning wisher 😁

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Chris, you've made me blush. 🤣

sandyRoe is the voice of the labour party, Gulliver is his follower.

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I would say that Retrocop is AB's law enforcment but havnt seen him around recently...


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Isn't that what some religious people do to their children?

Thanks 😊

Briefly college sleeping quarters find me going before a conservative to rest.  (9)

^^^  So sorry - wrong thread 😊

However, just want to say Ken is the betting expert on site.


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I'm flattered that I could be thought a gentleman among gentlemen.  Note, not a gentleman's gentleman.  I've always thought the relationship between Jeeves and his master was a biting criticism of capitalism.  Jeeves , with his superior intelligence, forced to work for a monied clown.

Most here are good eggs, but too many, I fear, have succumbed to the insidious dripping of right-wing propaganda.  Or maybe it's just a façade.

All here make for a good community.  I'm glad to be part of it.

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