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Are We Surrounded By Polio Virus In Our Everyday Life?

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sandyRoe | 19:30 Fri 30th Aug 2024 | Body & Soul
17 Answers

And only protected from it by vaccination when we were younger?



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Sandy.. I don't know, but I think that the absence of polio means that the virus is not around us any more. Some diseases have been wiped out, and once gone there are no bugs around to give it to us again. Probably PP will know more abut this.

I'm not sure, what was the incidence before the vaccination came along?

If it was fairly low then the virus may have come along, done it's worst then faded away due to lack of host.

Caveat: I have no medical training whatsoever.

Question Author

I was thinking of reports that there hadn't been a case of polio in Gaza for more than 25 years.

With the breakdown of sewage services, contaminated water, and children weakened by hunger, it has reappeared.

I would have guessed, knowing nothing of viruses, that they may be about in that area and surviving somehow.

My understanding is that the more vaccinated folk there are, the fewer unvaccinated individuals exist to be targeted by the disease, so it has difficulty finding someone to live off of and increase. (aka herd immunity.) Consequently it's number in existence will reduce, hopefully to zero. At which point folk can opt to no longer get vaccinated, but that increases the risk of it returning from wherever in the world it is still managing to remain.

Thanks for that link perseverer, it makes interesting (and in my case enlightening) reading.

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It seems some people can carry the virus without ill effect, but then, in the wrong circumstances, can affect others.

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I was in infants' class in primary school in the 1950s, and several of my older school mates (p 6 and p7 children) came down with polio.  For some children, the symptoms were mild, but there were two children who stick in my mind.  One spent his life in a wheelchair, and the other died as a result of the polio virus.  

I always assumed that the vaccine protected us younger ones from catching it.  I also always assumed that the virus still exists, but is kept at bay by the vaccine.  

I don't think I would want to take the chance of exposing children today in the (probably) vain hope that the virus has gone away.  

Anyone remember the scare we had here about two years ago. Polio was detected in sewage in ,I think it was London.


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There may be people who are hosts to a virus but it does them no harm.  Typhoid Mary in 19th Century America is an example.

The London sewers revealed that there was at least one carrier around at the time.

O god I  know all about viruses

and well done Sandy for broaching a subject rated as un-mimsiest - estimated survival 15 mins

Polio is spread feco-orally - poo contaminated water. ( mods scream, un mimsy, zap zap zap)

and doesnt really LURK anywhere.

So it has to come from somewhere. someone actually. 

so has it been brought in by those magnificent liberators? No - clear answer no...

because.... 24 July 24 - Polio bits ( DNA detection is now very sensitive - like you know 5 threads)was detected in the water the Gazans joyfully drink

SO it was there  - - - lurking in someone

and not brought in. Israeli health have suggested back-mutation ( vaccine turns wolf) which is very unlikely.

and several of my older school mates (p 6 and p7 children) came down with polio.

vast majority of infections are mild and non paralytic. about 1% end up paralytic.

The crawling kid looks as tho his rt quadriceps is paralysed -  That is he does move his toes.  And that is the presentation: muvva comes in and says the child has stopped moving (X). Painless and no sensory symptoms

The thing about  paralysis is that the acute phase ( extent of paralysis) does not bear relation to what is the long  term signs. They recover. And there is no prediction of how great the recovery is. Some nerves cells were killed and some weere just swollen and icky, and recovered function

and so..... iron lungs saved lives. Short term ventilation of the patient may result in recovery.

The beeb fluffie got  it wrong when she said this is a disease of  young children. It isnt. British national service men in Egypt got polio if they went out there, and there was greater residual paralysis. Be careful what you read on the internet

My understanding is that the more vaccinated folk there are, the fewer unvaccinated individuals exist to be targeted by the disease

yeah -  covid argument

An epidemic will break if you stop the 1to 1 transmission ( PP thinks: perhaps this  isnt AB fodder) -  so it disease X on average spreads to  2 people then by vaccinating over 50% ( reciprocal of 2 geddit) you will break the cycle

Here  - Polio can infect up to 10 - as measles. Turn it over, 1/10. - -  take away from 1 - 9/10. express as a percent 90%. 90% of children will need to be vaccinated to break the cycle.

God this wouldnt be bad as a final MB path essay -  let the liberation of Gaza continue !

Typhoid is a bacterium by the way. pedant

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