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Good Morning V Late Friday Birds!

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Smowball | 09:15 Fri 06th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
10 Answers

Had a dreadful nights sleep and only really dozed off about 7am, hence the lateness! Sorry! Really struggling with my spine painwise the last few days - finding it hard to even stand up so that's getting me down. And tomorrow we are going to the in-laws for the first time in their new house for a meal. But what started out as Saturday eve dinner has somehow now turned into stay the night and stay for Sunday lunch nxt day. Which I really don't want - as much as I love them to bits my terrible insomnia and constant pain issue doesn't make for sleeping in someone else's house. Would much rather be in my own home. Will have to play it all by ear.....

Are we all ok this morn? I got caught in the horrendous rain storm yesterday afternoon - couldn't even see thru it! Thank god it was only for an hour or so.




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Good morning's a quite one. Where is everyone? I hope you're having a wee nap to catch up. A restless or sleepless night is awful. I too had a bad night...fortunately it's a rare thing for me.

Morning Smow, sorry to hear about your back. I trust you are taking powerful medication?

Friday, yay, grey & dark out. Very autumnal. Getting ready to go shopping. Got nowt special planned this weekend.


Morning Smow, Pasta and everyone who follows. I know how you feel about the insomnia, I often potter about the house or watch tv in the early hours,yesterday was a bad one. Never mind, onwards and upwards.

Did you get your specs fixed Smow? I'm not doing anything much today but OH is going for his shingles jab, I had mine last year.

Have a happy day y'all and hope you get a  nap  

Good morning all. Sorry about your bad nights Smow and Pasta. No excitements to report but we have both survived our RSV jabs. Horrible weather yesterday but there's just been a glimmer of sun here. It didn't last though!

Good morning, sorry to be so late but I seem to be having a phase of turning over and going back to sleep for a couple of hours. Was quite a reasonable day here yesterday, although windy at times. 

Can I have a brag? I have actually reached 100 on Wordle. Something I have been trying to do for a while, got to 80 and had to have a new computer and it wiped it out. Feeling quite pleased with myself.Shows my brain is still functioning!!

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Morning everyone - yes v quiet on here isn't it. Maybe everyone is curled up in their beds on this dark soggy day lol.

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Calda - don't think I've ever played WORDLE but I know my FIL loves it.

It's actually not soggy here...though it was yesterday. Partly sunny...I might get out.

Daughter sent me photo from Stansted...very foggy there at 6:30 am.

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Hi Pasta, yep still misty here. Good old England - one week 30+ degrees and melting hot, then a few days later dark, wet, damp and foggy lol.

Morning all, belatedly.

I dislike sleepovers, I prefer my own home or a hotel.

Our good friends keep inviting us to spend a week or two with them in their French holiday home. The thought of it gives me nightmares 

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Good Morning V Late Friday Birds!

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