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T W A U ... The's Gem.....

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ToraToraTora | 18:35 Fri 06th Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
37 Answers

MC this time....

Q: What does the fifth amendment to the US constitution protect against?

A: Ransom demands  B: Identity Theft 

C: Self-incrimination

Answer...B! 🤣



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Once again folks, it's not the wrong answer that's the ignorance, it's thinking that Identity Theft was a problem in the 18th Century (December 15, 1791 to be precise).
18:47 Fri 06th Sep 2024

I don't know the answer without looking it up.

C - but I wouldn't be at all surprised if many people don't know that.  Why would they?

never seen an American film where they plead the 5th Tilly

Yes, I have Webbo but the 5th. Amendment bit doesn't stick in my mind really.

Once again folks, it's not the wrong answer that's the ignorance, it's thinking that Identity Theft was a problem in the 18th Century (December 15, 1791 to be precise).

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as usual the answer is ovious but irrelevant. It cannot be A) nor B)

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by jove I think canary is showing the way.....Yes that's ploint of these the actual answer is usually irrelevant.

canary, the contestant would need to be au fait with American history to know that.  Again why would they?  

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TBH the sidney poitier one was even worse, same contestant!

I bet there were ransom demands prior to December 15, 1791.

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"canary, the contestant would need to be au fait with American history to know that.  Again why would they?  " - no just au fait with recent history. oh and be aware that the US constitution was probably written some time before ID theft was a thing.

But if they're not aware, they're not.  That doesn't make them stupid.  Just unfamiliar with the finer details of Anerican law.  

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come on Naomi, even canary gets it.

I get it because I know the answer - and daft answers I can laugh at - but it's not reasonable to expect everyone to know the answer to that one.

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... no but it's reasonable to expect them to know what it isn't, that's the point you seen determined to miss.

If they haven't a clue what it is, why would you expect them to know what it isn't? 

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because they give 2 choices that it cannot possibly be, basiclly the answer is given.


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come on you raised a similar thing with the moon and sun the other day, you must get it.

You'll never make a Vulcan, TTT.  😁

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