Good Morning Monday Birds. in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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Good Morning Monday Birds.

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Smowball | 05:08 Mon 09th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
12 Answers

Well, after a lovely weekend ( sat until Sunday eve) visiting in-laws in their new house we got home lastnight. Had a lovely time. House is beautiful! Had a fabulous thunderstorm late Saturday evening tho which was quite spectacular with the thunder &  lightening! Nothing like getting home and getting bk into your own bed though is there lol.

Its 6am here now and still dark - it was only a couple of months ago that it was light at 4.30am. I hate it when it gets lighter later & darker earlier  - makes the days feel so short & the evenings so long......how people cope who live in countries such as. Alaska,Norway etc where it can be dark almost half  of the time I do not know!

Anyway, going to sneak downstairs to feed cats & grab a cup of tea to bring back to bed whilst I then work out todays plans, which include much order posting & birthday card buying! Hope we all have a wonderful day x



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Morning Smow, glad you enjoyed your visit.

Nothing exciting to report, the wheels kept turning.

Good morning Smow. It sounds like a good weekend with your in-laws. I've just checked the weather forecast for these parts- a high of 16. It's definitely autumn. I'll have to deploy the thicker jacket and start checking for spiders!


Good Morning Smow.   It is odd how when we go away, then however good a time we have, we just love to get back home again ...  two for the price of one I suppose 😊

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Morning guys - yes Autumn has definitely arrived suddenly, after a very short but sweet summer! Far far too wet this year - my garden has really suffered for it. As for spiders - funnily enough that starts to be one of my biggest sellers at this time of year - Spideaway! lol. It's a repellant spray that deters them & their web making  from the home without killing them. Spiders are MrSmows biggest fear lol - doesn't mind bugs, snakes, you name it, but show him even a teeny spider and he turns into a 3 yr old screaming girl!! LOL. 

Morning, Pleased you had a good weekend. 

I am with Mr Smow on the spider front, if Mr U hears his name in the form of a scream he just asks 'where is it' and arrives with an empty pint glass to flick it into and put it out.

Drab and drizzly here, I am not a winter person so was hoping for and Indian Summer.

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Morning ubasses. Bizarrely enough I am and have also always been terrified of spiders, but seeing how bad he is lol I've had to overcome it a bit. Quite funny seeing a guy literally twice my size go as white as a sheet over a creepy crawly that's about 1cm long!! 

But, eency weency spiders eat flies and mosquitos, plus other annoying bugs!

How can people not love them

#I appreciate spiders

Oops, how rude of me😒

Hello all😉

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Hello 1ozzy lol. Yes you are correct about the spiders usefulness I have to agree! : )

Morning Smow, I'm glad you had a nice weekend, but its nice to get home. We are expecting a Tesco delivery later , the highlight of the day lol.

I am not too bad with spiders but we seem to have had an influx of daddy long legs in the last few days. At least now that its cooler we have got less flies hurrah. We planted a "hedge" of lavender a few years ago which is normally alive with bees but now that has died down they are having to make do with  the perennial fuchia outside the sitting room window. Autumn seems to arrived with a vengence.

It poured down yesterday but a drier day is forecast for today, then more rain tomorrow

Morning all, sun is shining here and no rain forcast until tonight so am busy washing bedding. Glad you had a good weekend and no doubt you are happy that in laws are settled in their new home.

Going to the library later, I feel lost without something to read. Have just discovered an american author, Elizabeth Strout, and am enjoying her especially as the lady she writes about is my age. Enjoy the rest of your day.

Good afternoon all...glad you had a lovely weekend Smow.

It's dry and bright here after a damp weekend. I'm stuck indoors again. I have an Amazon subscribe and save delivery that's coming in 2 separate deliveries. 

Elizabeth Strout is a wonderful writer...I highly recommend her.

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