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Panic Attacks In 6Ft Tall 15 Yr-Old Boy

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jourdain2 | 22:24 Wed 11th Sep 2024 | Body & Soul
26 Answers

Some of you may remember that 6 yrs ago there was an episodend when my grandson attacked his mother and was found to be full of Cortisol.  Things calmed down.

He has ducked out of serious school-work since and (t.b.h. not been made to get on with working etc. whilst having lovely hoidays, treats etc.).  He is v. intelligent, but academic reports are dire (work not done etc.).

This Summer he's become more withdrawn and refuses to go to school (start of GCSE year). Self-harming, threw himself onto the floor when dragged to GPs surgery, banging his head on floor and wall.  Ran out of waiting room.  When dragged to see GP he said he thought there could be poison in his food. She gave highly addictive medication and referred to CAMHS at Leeds.  He fought against getingin car to go there and endedup with video link interview.

Ran out of GPs waiting room again today.

How do you get a 6ft tall, strong 15 yr  old refusenik - to the doctor's please?  This is the big question.

Ran out of house at 1 a.m. Sunday, threw himself on road, stark naked, so this is really rather serious and NHS doesn't sem to know how to react.  I'm trying to protect his little sister and my daughter.



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Thank you so much PP.  You are right and, yes, I am concentrating v.  much on OH - I drove us up here today (booked this cottage in the Borders 8 mths ago and it will be his only holiday this year) but he was still exhausted, has been asleep. Nurse was worried enough to insist a doctor saw him yesterday - he has had'weeitis' for a month now, despite pills and last week his legs swelled up.  Saw Doctor yesterday evening - he also suspects (like me) that OH's triple heart bypass has furred-up.  I'm very worried and I'm carrying things here, now, and (bless her) my daughter is refusing to involve me - but more info would help. 

Basically it seems that nothing is happening. G-son is dossing around at home and is calm as long as he is unstressed.

Medics are calm and saying have a blood test on the Monday after we get back next Friday, and an ECG etc., etc..  I am saying loudly to OH how much I want I calm, do-nothing break - just a change of surroundings.

Thank you so much for asking.  Sorry for letting rip a bit.  Life is rather overwhelming and I can't write.  :)


What a dreadfully worrying time for you Jourdain. I can't make any constructive comments but wanted to let you know that so many of us are thinking about you and hoping that things will improve eventually, Sending love and best wishes. 

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Thank you.  It helps somuch.  :) x

Borders. I really cant think of anywhere more tedious - great for a erstfulhol - esp if it rains the whole time and you have a decent fire

sleep well

restful hol....

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Ta, P.P. :)

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