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Procedure For Spouse To Claim Portion Of Partners Pension On Death Of Partner

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HAMMEROFTHOR | 22:16 Fri 13th Sep 2024 | Law
7 Answers

Can anyone enlighten me? What is the legal procedure for a married person to claim payment from a pension held by a spouse on the death of the spouse? Thanks in advance



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you just contact them, and if youre eligible theyll let you know what you need to send (death cert; marriage cert etc)

Sorry for your loss, if it's you.

Was there provision for a dependant's benefit ? Just  'reach out' to the pension provider. There will be a paper or online booklet/guidance on claiming. Have they been notified of the death?

I never thought of state pensions but of course for those who reached pension age a long time ago there could be a link

bednobs is correct - you need to contact the Pension Provider who will have their own procedures etc.

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Many Thanks to you all- bednobs, newmodarmy,Buenchico, Canary42- for your advice and comments....I will contact the pension provider.

Kind regards to all


So sorry for your loss.

If offered a lump sum and if it's sizeable, then consider the tax implications. There might be a more tax efficient option - take some advice. 

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Procedure For Spouse To Claim Portion Of Partners Pension On Death Of Partner

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