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ebeohp | 17:19 Sat 14th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
6 Answers

11A. One close outside back of room for changing (8) sorry only have the 1st letter A-------

5A.China is forced to spend millions for defence (3-5) sorry only have 1st letter againP-- -----

9A. Take courses after university in Italian city (5) U-I-E

10A. Tunes, soundingas if they may succeed (4) -I-s

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Many thanks in advance



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10 airs

9 U(niversity) dine (take courses)

9 U dine

11 A (one) m (back of  the word rooM) ending (close)

Airs sounds like heirs 

5 Palisade - pal (china/mate) is (m)ade (forced)

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