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Looks like nasa's high altitude research aircraft. Test flight? Took off from Edwards airbase nearby. It was grounded for a while    ...   possibly upgrades. Perhaps prepping it to monitor the Lockheed X-44 Manta that is rumoured to be almost operational. Keep watching Webbo.  
20:54 Sun 15th Sep 2024

Looks like nasa's high altitude research aircraft. Test flight? Took off from Edwards airbase nearby. It was grounded for a while    ...   possibly upgrades. Perhaps prepping it to monitor the Lockheed X-44 Manta that is rumoured to be almost operational. Keep watching Webbo.  

N806NA was airborne again yesterday for 6Hrs 13Mins Webbo. Similar flight pattern around Edwards base. What is it tracking?

Ta btw. 

 The link I posted @2059 originally opened and gave flight info and back schedule. Now it will not open. You need to put in N806NA and search again . It was on the flightaware site.  

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