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Pay As You Go Balance

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Maydup | 23:10 Mon 16th Sep 2024 | Technology
5 Answers

I'm helping a relative with a new, simple PAYG phone.

I've set up the new one, with a new sim because the old one was too big, and transferred the number. 

There was some credit on the old phone which hasn't transferred. My question is - if he takes his top up card to the newsagent tomorrow and tops up will it work? Same phone number, O2 same network.

And if so why did t the balance transfer with the number?



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Your best option is probably to call 4445 from your relative's new  phone, to ask why the credit balance isn't showing up on that phone.  (The call is free).  The answer to that question might also relate to using a top-up card at a newsagent.

Thanks for that tip Chris, I will give it a try because the last time I topped up my card in an O2 shop the guy mumbled something about me having to do something online then went back to playing on his own mobile phone which he had been absorbed in when I first approached him. I have provided appropriate feedback to O2 about this appallingly unfriendly customer service (had I been his manager I would have sacked him) but need to check my credit balance (fortunately only a backup to my iPhone so not critical).

^^^ You should be able to check your O2 credit balance direct from your phone:

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Thank you again!

Setting up this old fashioned so called simple phone is causing me more brain ache than anything else I have come across!

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For Canary

You can dial 4444 to hear your balance, type *#10# into your keypad to see your balance on screen or text BALANCE to 2112 to see your balance and remaining allowances. 

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