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Thisoldbird | 01:48 Wed 18th Sep 2024 | Technology
6 Answers

Is there such a thing as a free antique for phone and tablet....please



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Your spellchecker has made me smile, Thisoldbird 😊

The Android operating system is, by its design, far more secure than Windows is.  (Windows relies upon its 'registry', which links apps together.  Android uses 'sandboxing', to keep everything apart). 

Many sources therefore suggest that you don't need to install an anti-virus app on Android at all.  (I've not bothered on either my phone or my tablet).  However, if you really want to, this should help:

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Oh dear, I hadn't noticed, spell checker has a mind of its own.  Thankyou for your reply. 


The reason I ask is my Hotmail email is constantly telling me I have serious virus but I'm not sure what to do to delete that email as I'm locked out supposedly by the Microsoft team? 


>>> "my Hotmail email is constantly telling me I have serious virus"

That sounds like a scam email to me.  There's no way that Microsoft could know that your device has got a virus (in order to send you the message) inthe first place.

Dr. Web is an app that will do a very thorough Full Scan (and removal if necessary) on your phone for free. You can install it occasionally and uninstall it after the scan. It offers many security tools (offers to upgrade) that can be ignored.

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Thankyou all for replying.  

Hopefully I'll sort it today.. 

Kaspersky do one. Try searching Play Store or whatever the Apple equivalent is.

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