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The Barmy Blue Party.

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gulliver1 | 10:43 Thu 19th Sep 2024 | News
11 Answers

The Liz Truss fanclub...who must all be totally Bonkers. Are calling for Jacob Rees Mogg to return from the wilderness and become Tory Chairman.This popular Truss Con group was launched by the 49 day Prime Minister herself earlier this year, and they are also calling  for Boris and Lord Frost to be considered for the Position.



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The Tory's are out of power and yet you still waste your time bashing them.

Have you nothing positive to say about the Labour party and its' performance so far?

Is this news - and if so what is your source, gulliver?

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Liz Truss is backing JRM to become chairman.Don't think she fancies Boris.

As usual Gulliver provided that without twitching a finger.  Thank you Corby.

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Truss thinks the Party is too left wing and needs steering back to the right and  Lord Snooty is the man to do it .  Gawd elp us.

it would be very nice if there were any intelligent or principled conservatives to oppose starmer more effectively. but there are none. 

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Lefties in the Tory Party ...I hope ABs,, chief on the wagon member doesn't read this....🤣

Gulliver, I suspect you - and she - are the only people remotely interested in what she has to say.  She's gone.

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Wonder how many members Liz has in this Truss appreciation society ?

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M/S Truss's biggest fan club is not going to go away . They think Truss herself may be gone .But her spirit lives on through the so called      "Popular Conservative Group" Bet there ain't many members who still have mortgages to pay off .....amongst them.


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