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Waterproof Duvet Covers

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Omg21 | 09:26 Fri 20th Sep 2024 | Body & Soul
4 Answers

Relatives have a child who wets the bed. They have a waterproof mattress cover but have also been looking at waterproof duvet covers. They have said that reviews online are a bit mixed.  Has anyone any experience of using them?



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Isn't the easier answer waterproof pants ? Maybe with some absorbent pad too.

Dunelm teflon duvet cover. Works well, has a zip

I agree with OG, put them in something like DryNite pants/nappies. Far more practical and hygienic - surely if it's waterproof then the liquid just pools :-( 

Waterproof top and bottom might make the child very hot and sweaty. If the child is too big for nappies then I would suggest  Tena Slips or something similar

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