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Musical Instruments ( Closes 30 Th November )

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galasalmon | 10:30 Sat 21st Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers

Help please .

2/ Also a wild flower (5)

12/ Digital piano ( 8) 

1/ Modern string instrument (8,6) 

Thank you 



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2 Viola

12 Keyboard

1 Electric guitar

1 Electric Guitar ???

Question Author

Thank you .

Not sure if it's the same quiz but 'keyboard' was the answer to this qn:

// Essential Company Directors - 8 letters. The answer is a musical instrument.//

Question Author

Not same quiz thanks ,This is Border street pastors ,

Thanks for replying, galasalmon

Question Author

You are welcome, 

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Musical Instruments ( Closes 30 Th November )

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