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Fao - The K M Players

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seekeerz | 00:21 Sat 28th Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers

Here are today's shaded clues for you -

12 a Word simply meaning 'dark' originally, now used to describe a woody colour (5)

29a A barometer, beaker, goblet, mirror, lens etc (5)

34d Equid whose name transferred to a chess knight, a clothes surer etc (5)

50d From 'barley cake' a block, chunk, hunk, lump or other body of matter with no definite shape (4)



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00:25 Sat 28th Sep 2024


Ebony for the first one

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Good morning gentlemen - and well done Chris. 🤗😘

Thanks, Steff.

I saw the word 'hunk' in that last clue and thought that it was about me 😊

Then I read 'lump or other body of matter with no definite shape' and realised that it was definitely about me 😁

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Fao - The K M Players

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