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Good Morning Sunday Birds!

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Smowball | 09:58 Sun 29th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
10 Answers

Well, damp and grey here but dry....for the min! Toe/foot still throbbing and going a lovely shade of black! Have lots of stuff to do today, including posting a lot of orders so will see if MrSmow will help with driving for 10 mins or so.... if not then they will have to wait till tomorrow at least.

Anyone doing a Sunday roast?? Can't remember the last time I did one tbh - I used to do one every week religiously. And if you're not then what are you having?

Have a fab day everyone x



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Good morning, not very good news about your toe, do you think it is broken?.

Weather same as yours, hoping my washing will dry.  Another day the same for us, packing and cleaning, emptying a 5 bed house is a long job.

I have not cooked a roast for as long as I can remember, we are having chickpea and spinach curry tonight.

Morning, we have roasts quite often - but not specifically on Sundays.  

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 Morning guys! Yes I'm 99% sure its broken - I broke the same toe years ago. But like I said the other night hospitals can't do anything apart from strap it to the toe nxt to it and let it heal so that's what I've done. 

5 bedrooms - wow, that's a big house!!

True naomi - I've often done one mid-week, but now I'm thinking of one I really want one lol. Do I want to be faffing about on my feet in the kitchen for ages today tho? That is the question lol.


Get your husband to cook for you today, Smow.  Is he any good at it?

Good morning. Chilly here, for the first time I put the heating on as I got up, no doubt I will have to crank it up during the day. You mentioned posting something which made me think. Has your post delivery changed? Ours is all over the place. It used to be early morning, or lunch time on alternative weeks. Now I cannot see any rhyme or reason in the deliveries. The other week I had a delivery at 4.30pm. I'm talking about letters,not parcels. Anybody else finding this?

Curry for us, chicken.

Morning all, no roast for us today but will have one in the week.  Like at least one a week but am thinking maybe chinese tonight.  I haven't stubbed my toe but did forget to move my thumb out the the way of a lump hammer a couple of months ago.  The nail is starting to come off now.  It hurt lol.

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Naomi he can cook actually, it's just not v often lol! 
Barry - I was thinking about curry yesterday actually, haven't made one for ages but definitely going to this week I think. Chicken as well.

calda - I almost put the heating on yesterday - almost lol! Managed to restrain myself!

theshedman - omg I'm just wincing thinking of that hammer! Jesus that must have hurt - my eyes are watering just thinking about it.....


I'll try not to do it again Smow but me being me I wont guarantee it wont happen again.

Good mid afternoon from me, 50+mph gusts and loads of rain here. It's half price electric today, so several loads of laundry have been done,hoovering to follow after lunch.

I'm doing a fish pie tonight...lots of very cheesy cream sauce. Yum!

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Good Morning Sunday Birds!

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