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Foundation Question

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sp1814 | 15:08 Mon 14th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
27 Answers

Women of AB...what colour foundation would you say this man is using and why hasn't Melania given him a heads-up about blending???





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about 20 shades to dark.

Its sad when the carer doesn't make sure the elderly person is dressed correctly.

If that is a genuine picture the world's press would be carrying it.

-- answer removed --

oo - - nearly nude -  I think. ( my favourite)

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"If that is a genuine picture the world's press would be carrying it."

It was posted by Rep. Senator John Cornyn

It picked up on Twitter and Insta and here's a link to the story on the Daily Mail's website:

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Mr Pedant

Ha ha...

But surely that would only be "nearly nude" if your parents were two cups of breakfast tea.

He wouldn't listen!

Where did the senator get it?

Whoever doctored that photo has got too much time on their hands. 

More like "pumpkin spice".

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The senator got it from his official photographer. The sentor is the fella shaking Donald Trump's hand in the photo.

The senator's team then posted the picture on John Cornyn's official Twitter page.

The chain of evidence is pretty much unbroken.

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You might have a point there. Halloween...pumpkins. Perhaps he's chasing the witch and ghoul vote?

The 'chain of evidence' is from the senator to Twitter to trashy publications.  

you think it isn't real naomi? 

It may be a way of being accepted on his twin peace missions to Northern Ireland to meet with the Orangemen and more currently his planned trip to Jaffa.

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The question you asked was "where did the senator get it". You implied it wasn't a real photo otherwise the world's press would be carrying it.

I was merely pointing out the legitimacy of the photo. It was posted on a Republican senator's X page, so it's very likely to be real.

The important chain of evidence is from the picture being taken to it being published. 

Also, is the Daily Mail a "trashy publication" now?



why would the world press carry it? does every photo of trump automatically go to the papers?

maybe the ones naomi reads... between double spreads of boris ;) 

Why would the world's press carry it?  Because I've never known them to miss an opportunity to put the boot in to him or to anyone else they don't like.  A bit like yourself, untitled. Perhaps they'll publish it tomorrow.

At least he's capable of facing the public.

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