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Ufo's Are They Real

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gramps85 | 16:30 Sat 02nd Nov 2024 | Science
128 Answers

There's any interesting article in todays Dail Mail relating to the late Prince Phillip's belief in UFO's.  I remember listening to an interview with Neil Armstrong who said the the late Prince asked to meet the crew of Apollo 11 when they did their tour. Armstrong said that all Phillip was interested was whether the crew had seen any flying saucers or anything that could not be explained.

Do other's have their views or seen anything that could be described as a UFO.



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Unidentified flying objects are real - until they are identified. I have seen a very odd thing in the sky, a very bright day and I was sat on the top deck of a bus so had clear view across open fields.

Sadly I was the only one on the bus so nobody to confirm what I saw.   I didn't know what it was then and I still don't. 

Yep, as Barry says, UFOs are just that until they've been identified, most can be explained.

As for whether or not any of them are from another planet or aliens, I very much doubt it personally. But who knows.....👽

UFOs have been witnessed for millenia. Obviously, there is a great deal of disagreement as to whether they are alien in origin, I think it is a fascinating subject.

However, expect the site's bucket-of-cold-water to come galloping onto the thread to tell us why they cannot possibly originate from elsewhere in the universe...

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There could be civilisations out there who are thousand, or even million years as the universe is over 13 billion years old, who are that far advanced that they have technology that puts us back into the stone age.

That's what I think,too.

But when this subject crops up it tends to get swamped by posts demonstrating, with maths, why we are alone in this part of the universe and likely to remain so.

Personally, I think the weight of historical artifacts and pictorial depictions of strange crafts and beings tend to confirm that we haven't always been alone....

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Some years ago, along with friends, I was walking along the beach road in Cyprus, late in the evening when we spotted a V shaped formation of lights descend from the sky and fly across the sea some distance before accelerating high into the sky and vanishing from sight.  There was no sound and because it was dark we had no way of judging how faraway the object was, or how fast it was travelling. It was eerie.

I do try to be open minded about this, same with ghost and ghoulies, but my mind being what it is and working the way I'd does, finds it difficult to accept and always thinks there's a logical explanation.

I do agree though, about other civilisations potentionally being out there. Would be interesting to know, wouldn't it 😱

I saw a UFO very closely in broad daylight and I wasn't alone.  Very strange.  

I think it's quite possible that aliens came here thousands of years ago and that what we call 'God' could well have been a being from another planet.  I've studied that topic for years and in my opinion it makes perfect sense.

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There's an interesting series of programmes, which has been running for many years, called Ancient Aliens.  Worth a watch

As the term UFO gets mocked as describing a 'Flying saucer' they're now refered as UAPs: Unidentified aerial phenomena.

Ever since reading Erich von Dänikens' Chariots of the Gods I've being fascinated as years before myself and a friend saw something which we certainly couldn't identify, all logical explanations disapated as quicky as it did after a sky dance.

I've being watching Ancient Aliens myself for years.

I've just bought a new copy of that, and the follow up, 'Return to the Stars', Arksided.  Mine, which were given to me years ago, are so well-read they're falling apart.

^a new copy of chariots of the Gods I mean.  I too have watched some of the Ancient Astronaut series.

So is mine which were an original copy many, many years ago.

Fascinating isn't it.

I just watched a programme about the abduction of Travis Walton, apparently the trees on the side where UFO was have growth deformaties due to radiation similar to those in Chernobyl

If aliens have the technology to manipulate space/time to travel millions of light years to visit Earth, then they probably would not bother communicating with us because we are too primitive. In the same way you would not attempt to play chess with a earthworm or discuss  quantum physics with an ape.



EvD piqued my interest as a teenager and I devoured all his books. I was disappointed to find much of what he claimed to have discovered has been debunked and he had greatly exaggerated his role in establishing the subject as suitable for rigorous investigation.

Until earlier this year, Blackpool was supposed to be having a new tourist 'experience' developed to include a lot of EvD's greatest discoveries.

And then the borough council discovered an unfortunate link with EvD and the nazis and the project was quietly shelved.

Regardless of all that, I still find much of what he introduced to me to be compelling and fascinating.

Naomi, yes it is I have read many books on the subject and have many on bookcase, I haven't however read 'Return to the Stars' I keep meaning to... when I get around to it I'll have to get a copy.

I'd like to add what myself and a friend saw still after all these years is described as a UAP, it was early Eighties way befor Fox Mulder picked up the X files in 93'

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