Good Morning Thursday Birds! in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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Good Morning Thursday Birds!

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Smowball | 09:01 Thu 05th Dec 2024 | ChatterBank
8 Answers

A lovely wet, rainy morning! Have spent days trying to figure out where on earth this alarm is that keeps  going off all hours of the day and night, driving us mad! Just last night it went off bout 8pm, 10.30, and then the middle of the night several times. It just went off again as I happened to be looking out of the window and I could clearly see this van parked up the road with the lights flashing on it. So whether it's been abandoned.... god knows, but it's getting right on my nerves lol. 
Loads to do today, including more Xmas shopping, and work obv. What's everyone's plans? X

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Hi, Smow. Well that's annoying! Outside lights? Someone's forgotten phone?

Nothing to do today for me. I'm trying to apply for a job, but the silly website won't let me. 😠 

Morning, I got all my Christmas cards written yesterday - hurrah! - but still have several lengthy catch up letters to write to go with some of them - boooo!

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Ooh cloverjo - what sort of job?? Something new for you?

Naomi - I've been avoiding writing cards but don't think I can put it off for much longer lol!

Good mornig Smow, I hope you had a lovely weekend with young smow and family and you have fully recovered from all that driving. I too must get round to buying and writing some xmas cards. I usually buy charity ones from the supermarket, but none of the big ones seem to be doing boxes this your, only individual ones.

Regarding the van up the street, I would note the type and number plate and if it contiues have a word with the police,especially if it is going off through the night.

Morning all. I have some Christmas cards arriving tomorrow with the Sainsbury order so that will be my job for the weekend. My husband is taking a friend to a local hospital for a minor op as said friend will be unable to drive himself on the return journey. But thats it for the day and dinner is left overs from yesterday so no effort there.

Hope you all have a more exciting day than me lol

Good morning everyone. Horrid windy day...worse over the weekend apparently with gusts over 70mph. Eeeekk!  Needless to say ill jot be going out then. Stuck in today as I have an evri delivery that I think might come later. I hate waiting for parcels.

I have just 2 or 3 pressies to buy plus a few cards for overseas.

For the curious...my boiler is back in working order. It was a gasket that had gone floppy...as the engineer described it. Luckily he was able to get a part. I'll investigate a new boiler in the new year.

Morning all, well it's bright and dry here currently (East Yorkshire) and 10ºC, a bit better than of late.
I have warned family I won't be able to shop for gifts this year, so it will have to be either a cash gift, or something from an Amazon wish list.
I am 6 weeks post fall and breaking my shoulder in two places, so I just can't get around. I did try and drive my car last night, going up through the gears was not too painful, but coming down out of 3rd into 2nd was nigh on imposssible, as was applying the hand brake. I reckon I'll give myself another week or maybe two before trying again. I just stuck to doing 3 left turns to get me back to where I started.
I do have a little stash of parchment cards I have made over the years so they will be used this year.
Glad you had a good visit Smow, wishing you all a good day :)


Good early afternoon all.

My good news is that all the cards for overseas are posted. The bad news is that I have managed to buy Christmas cards which are "left blank for your own message" - curses- that's going to slow the process down a bit!

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