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Daij | 21:20 Tue 24th Dec 2024 | Crosswords
10 Answers

 Is in such clothing playing for West Indies, perhaps (6)


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I thought Tweeds or Trendy but could not parse either

The only thing I found was a South African player called Alexander Tweedy. Couldn't parse that either.

Bit far fetched but if you take

'is in' out of West Indies, you get 'westde'

anagram (perhaps) = Tweeds

Trends seems to match up with Is in, as in 'is fashionable', but that is all I can see. 

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Thanks very much for your help - and have a great Xmas and new year

What are you going with then, Daij?

I'd go for tweeds.

Yes, it's a composite anagram (a type of clue usually only seen in barred puzzles).

A rearrangment ('playing') of IS IN (from the clue) and TWEEDS (ie 'such clothing') can potentially ('perhaps') produce ('for') WEST INDIES. The definition is the 'clothing'.

Thank you, TheFrogman - nice to have confirmation.

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