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french twist

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faith_scott | 14:11 Fri 10th Feb 2006 | Body & Soul
3 Answers


I was just wondering whether anyone might be able to help me. I wanted to put my hair into a french twist, but a more simple version of it, where the hair is put into a pony tail, and then looped through the hair just before the elastic band, often making the hair feel really tight and uncomfortable, but looking really good. I was just wondering whether anyone could tell me where I could get the device which allows that to happen. It's bendy plastic, with a loop at the end.

I would appreciate any help at all,





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In all fairness faith_scott, the devices that you are talking about are a waste of money. all they do is pull your hair through in exactly the same way you can do it without using anything. It's simple......

Right, put your hair into a pony and tie it off with a bobble. Dont tighten it right up to the top, leave enough room to part your hair above the bobble and feed your pony through it. It sounds a bit complicated but it totally isn't!!! I wouldn't waste any money on buying one of those devices, as you don't need them to do what you want. It just takes a bit of practise to get the right look, but once you do, it'll be well worth it!

Hope this helps, Gill3891

Ha ha...have just tried it myself! impressed!

Thanks for that gill3891

Question Author

Thank you so much!

Just tried it and it looks very good. Thank you so much for your help,


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