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PC crashes when changing screen resolution

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gmalloch | 09:44 Wed 22nd Feb 2006 | Technology
2 Answers
I have recently installed a new hard drive into my PC and also installed a new genuine copy of Windows XP Home Edition (had XP before but restore discs were damaged.) Everything seems to be running fine expect the PC started up in 1280 x 1024 resolution. When I change this to an easier on the eye 1024 x 768 or even 800 x 600 the PC just crashes and restarts. Windows then gives a message saying that it has recovered from a serious error. Also when I try to run games the same thing happens. All other programs (Word etc.) seem to be okay. Does anyone know what to do?


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You should find out what your graphics card is and go to the manufacturers web site and download their latest driver. XP has most drivers by default, but these are bare-bones affairs that offer the minimum functionality, so should really be replaced by the proper versions where possible.

If you need to know how to find out what card is in your machine, post back here!
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Thanks Ralph, will check this evening!

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PC crashes when changing screen resolution

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