pinder in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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ppwest | 14:02 Thu 09th Mar 2006 | Body & Soul
10 Answers
is lusy pinder fit
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Dont really know her, but Lucy Pinder is quite nice.

She makes the best of what she has, which is a prodigious figure, although if you tear your eyes away from it, she is not actually that pretty. Michelle Marsh on the other hand who has an equally admirable shape is also gorgeous looking as well.

I'd go exactly the opposite Andy. Think Pinder's the more attractive of the 2 facially. Having said that, I'd be a stumbling wreck if either approached me

massive norks but not much else in my opinion
You need to get yourself down to specsavers undercovers!
Question Author
Hmmmm..............seems to be a contrasting opions here.....thanks anyway.
oooohhhh yeah!

I've never raced her, so I don't know.

My fella likes Lucy. but prefers Michelle as she ''has nipples''.

I saw her complete a olympic distance triathlon recently, so I would say she is not aerobically challenged.

Great norks in lycra too.

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