Chinese organs in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Chinese organs

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jack-the-peg | 18:46 Sat 01st Apr 2006 | Body & Soul
47 Answers
My girl-friend is Chinese and so far we have not had sex. Although I really want to, I keep putting it off because of not knowing what to expect physically. It is well known (I think) that as Chinese girls eyes are slanting, so is their organ and I do not want to disappoint her by doing the wrong thing. Can anyone British who is with a Chinese girl give advice please?
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Please - what do we teach people in schools these days?
how to gain an ASBO?
These Geisher Girl establishments in China...are they like legal brothels ?
nice one toon!!!
Well Jack I have the perfect answer - just turn the bed sideways and you should not have a problem ....

Oh geeze man.,. I cant believe men would think a girl would be any diff because of her race hahaha boys are boys thats for sure... I think the only thing that would change a girls ("down there") would be how many babys she gave birth to... Funny Post tho !!!!!


nice one jack the peg a man after me own heart
Talking of food....did anyone eat Chinese last nite ?
i know what you mean toon!! ';~))
Chinese/japanese women are very very attractive. I always notice that they have extraordinary natural looks and always in trim shape. I really don't believe that their organs are slanting in anyway (!). I find that the chinese are little cautious and quite when it comes to sex. I could be wrong as the chinese girl I almost dated was a chinese born and an overseas student here. They tend to be very traditional as casual sex is not in their culture. Maybe if she was british chinese she wouldn't be too cautious and not traditional.

Sorry, I know this doesn't help with your question jack but I just wanted to make a comment.
ALFIE, i also think chinese and japanese girls are very beautifull.
Amazingly there was a Chinese bird in front of me in the cue in ASDA this morning...I cud that stop laughin to myself.
i think this question is on the same line as all black men have big w*llys
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MANY THANKS to you all in understanding my dilemma and your advice. To Jennikins - after many years of hearing about Chinese girls going from side to side, why shouldn`t I believe it. Is my Chinese girl-friend supposed to believe that we westerners had a fellow who walked on water and emerged from a birth-place that had not been entered? - just because many British firmly believe that is so. .....To ronnikins from many porn mags it would certainly seem the case - or is it that black men are more willing to pose? --------- Anyway I was at last able to lose my inhibitions and to anyone in the same position I can assure you that those tales are NOT true. If I knew how, I would post a drawing of me with a BIG BIG GRIN.
Hi JACK, I`m so glad that you disproved that old myth. To sammd as you may know, all people of China call Westerners "Round Eyes" - this is not any sort of insult - just that that we are different. So, because Blitish girls have Big Round Eyes, the men in China say they also have BIG round other things - i.e. not tight as in China. I can assure that this is not true and now I boast to my Chinese male fliends about how wonderful the British girls are.
No, this is bs lol.

i rugeleyboy must say "i have really enjoyed this thread"!!!!

thanks jack-the-peg

But Jack.. Its Anatomy...Its not a Realigion.. haha why would you even compair the two.? She can believe what ever Realigion she wants.. But Anatomy is the same all around the world. Thats a fact and its Science..

How is saying that all Asian women are attractive any less racist than saying that they have slanting (I hear this is the most technically accurate term) c**ts?

Isn't there some merit in the theory of men of African descent having larger penises? A larger surface area allows faster heat dissipitation, which is desirable in hot places.

Dissipation* :|

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