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akv | 02:22 Wed 18th Dec 2002 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
i tried to sucide many times


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akv -- if this is true, and you need to talk to someone, try and find someone who can really help. I know it can be a big help to stay anonymous on a site like this... but nobody here can understand what you are going through in the same way that a trained person can.

Are you in the UK? Call the Samaritans on 08457 90 90 90 or visit their website at If you are in another country, I hope there is a similar organisation there. Talk to someone -- and good luck.

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Ok akv. the first thing to do is ask why? I have been there recently so I know...I understand how you feel believe me I do.....First thing first.....If this is about a broken heart it will mend that's hard to believe just now I didn't think it could happen but it does slowly! If it's about money or other circumstances then go to your local CAB office and they will help you with fiancial planning and other advice. Failing all this if you just need someone to chat to who's been in the same boat and you can't use the samaritan's as mike suggests then use my user [email protected] and send me a message. I have some training in councilling so i will try to help you as best i can (Sorry ab ed i know this is really bending the rules but just this once please?) and we can chat if you need that help.
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sft42, I'm really sorry to hear that you have felt that way recently, are you feeling better now?
Coemgen, thanks for your enquiry, well yes I'm out of the woods I suppose, though I still do have really bad days (as you can maybe tell I'm not looking forward to christmas) and I really feel for anyone who feels low at this time of year. If anyone wants to chat about any of these feeling I really do recommend the samaritains website our good AB ED linked to above (and thanks for not pulling my answer mike!). Broken hearts are slow to mend, they seem to drive you round the bend but with the grace of family & friend, they'll get you through to a better end!

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