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vectra666 | 14:43 Sat 22nd Apr 2006 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
i have been suffering from tinnitus(ringing in the ears) for ten years now, at the moment it is really bad. has anyone got any tips or advice on helping ease the symptoms,anyone suffering with tinnitus will know what i mean,i know there is no cure but mybe someone has come across something that has helped them.many thanks.


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It appears that symptoms differ greatly from person to person, but I've found that lowering my salt intake greatly decreases the volume. Additionally, wearing hearing protection (which I should have done in my youth) around high decibel producers also helps...
vectra, As Clanad advises,lower your salt intake and get some earplugs. These cut out loud noises which aggrevate tinnitus. You could even use little balls of cotton wool and at night dip then in warm olive oil. Another tip which I found good is listening to a cd or tape of "Shower noise". If you have a walkman you can use it anywhere. Have you ever noticed how your tinnitus decreases in the shower? Good luck:-))
Tinnitus decreaseswhen masked by any soft sound, hence why the shower water helps, try keeping the radio on low
Cannot speak for myself, but my late mother who was nobody's fool, swore by regular acupuncture sessions.

So sorry you are suffering, vectra. I have tinnitus too, and a little while back I honestly thought I was going to go mad. It was SO loud. THANK GOD it has decreased now, but I really thought I was stuck with it at that volume. The key for me was staying positive, and assming that it would, in it's own time, die down. And it did. I think I had "glue ear", alongside a chest infection, which was making it worse, but STRESS really makes it worse.

I find keeping the TV on low at night helps detract the brain from the noise. Try listening to the World service,and TRY to concentrate on what they are saying. Sends me to sleep!

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