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News1 min ago
I wasen't syre where to post this, but felt i would get a better response on this site.
I,ve just heard that a Girl who became pregnant in Edinburgh at the age of 11 is set to break the record for being the UK's youngest mother.
She is due to give birth in the next few weeks, she became pregnant after a night on the town, apparently she was undre the influence of alchohol and smokes 20 ciggarettes a day, the father is 15 years of age, the girl has been quoted as saying that she is very excited by the prospect of becoming a mum as she's had experience bringing her younger brothers up.
Her mother says, shes not annoyed by her daughter, shes pleased for her for having the courage to keep the baby.
When is someone going to stand up and say ''Hold on a minute'' whos taking responsibility their, now i know this is a touchy subject, especially with young mothers, but i find this particular case quite disturbing.
Your comments please would be appreciated.
Ps, the only information i'm going on is via the media, so i apologise if some of the facts i,ve mentioned are wrong
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.Kind of warms the cockles doesn't it? wow..I bet they are so proud of the prospect of breaking a record.
My daughter is 16 & I can't even imagine her going 'out on the town', drinking alcohol & smoking 20 a day.
Some parents are idiots..the parents of this girl are morons. Surely nobody can condone an 11 year old having a baby? and to say that she has 'experience bringing up younger siblings' is pathetic. I was babysitting my younger brother & sister from the age of 10..but in no way did it help me when I had my first baby at 22 years old.
What on earth is going on????
Why is this such a �touchy� subject? Assuming what has been reported is true, both the children are guilty of sexual offences and the boy should also be charged with rape. This is because the girl is under thirteen and is, in law, incapable of giving her consent to sexual intercourse.
The mother of the girl should be appalled at the behaviour of her child and ashamed of herself for allowing her to behave in such a way. There is a good case for charging her with neglect and taking the child and the new grandchild into care.
Of course it is extremely doubtful if any of this will happen. The new child will have to be kept by the taxpayer and it is probable that the existing families are also so kept. This is why the consequences of their appalling behaviour never really hits them. The full panoply of state support will swing into action to look after another new generation of supplicants.
Unless this type of thing receives the condemnation it deserves this country will never prosper.
The bit that got me was that she said:
"I can give up smoking at any time, but I don�t find it affects my pregnancy.�
Um, I think the baby might have a different view on that!
I was definately not thinking about sex when I was 11, let alone drinking. I think I was playing out on my bike!! I just don't understand how anyone can think that they won't get pregnant on their first time no matter what age they are. And why on earth was she allowed to be out getting drunk anyway?!! Are the police not gonna get involved in some way? Two under age people not only having sex but bringing a baby into the world? Oh and drinking underage as well?
I agree entirely with JudgeJ. Why should this be a sensitive subject? I find it quite appalling and think the child and her child should be taken into care away from the 38 year old grandmother (who also allows her 11 year old to smoke 20 a day?). Before the girl is 16 she will probably have another two or three children for the state to support and her children are likely to go on and behave in the same way.
a girl in my junior highschool had a baby at the age of 12. it was the most amazing thing that hit our school - such controversy! She ended up leaving before she really started showing and as fate would have it she and her family ended up going to the same church as us years later. Her mother had eventually adopted her child and she treated him almost like an older sister.
it is very disturbing - i agree - and i hope that the people involved are a bit more ashamed and humble than the press are making them out to be!
Maybe the answer is to sit around moralising on the internet about people and a situation we don't know. Mm?
People have been getting drunk and getting pregnant at all ages forever - just because we belong to a society that says 11 year old chavs shouldn't do it doesn't mean it can be stopped. It's the way it's always been, not a case of the country going to the dogs.
Incidently, heroin addiction isn't necessarily hereditary is it? Not that that has anything to do with this subject. All you proponents of eugenics out there should realise that covert and overt sterilisation in the name of 'something should be done' has been tried and been a disaster on numerous occassions. These issues are to do with socialisation - sterilising your local council estate won't help.
Fortunately, Maggie-Mae, the law does not quite see it your way. The girl may well have consented, but legally such consent is invalid.
Yes it is true that both are guilty of offences and I am in no way suggesting that the girl was innocent and led astray. However, whatever anybody says, it is obvious that this sort of occurrence is completely unacceptable in this country. It may well be acceptable elsewhere in the world. Bigamy is acceptable in some countries; the age of consent is lower in some countries; stoning to death for adultery is accepted practice in some countries. But what we have to consider is the law in the UK.
The root of this problem is that increasing numbers of children are generally not provided with clear guidance concerning the acceptability or legality of their behaviour. Children cannot be expected to understand the potential consequences of their actions. That is why we have such laws which must be outlined to them as part of their upbringing. These two obviously thought what they did was, if not quite in order, certainly not too serious. They will continue in this belief with the preposterous support provided by the girl�s mother and the absence of any action being taken against any of them.
As I said in my earlier post, unless these attitudes are changed, such occurrences will continue. I do not wish to live in a country where children are being born to children. I particularly do not want to have to pay for the privilege. The law needs to be made clear to parents and their children. If action is taken and is successful against these stupid children and their ******** parents, then I�m all for it. I�ll say no more on this topic.