a friend of mine has recently given up smoking 40/50 cigarettes a day,but has been smoking 10 minature cigars a day instead,a vast improvement,he tells me that cigars do not contain tar and nicotine as cigarettes do,and looking on the tin there is nothing,is this true.i know its still tobbaco,but why dosent cigars have the tar and nicotine
Cigars have much more nicotine and tar, but are designed to be smoked differently. A cigarette smoker will smoker a cigar like a cigarette. Depending on the cigar, smoked that way they can be anything from the equivalent of 5 - 10 cigarettes each.
As someone who tried this once, I just want to reiterate it is a total waste of time and he his kidding himself. He'd be far better keeping the nicotine (either in patches, gum, spray or lozenges) and cutting back on that as weeks go by.