ChatterBank1 min ago
the ab (whats going on)
31 Answers
hi i have not been on the AB for a while only to post a question so i decided to catch up today and noticed more and more bullying and racist comments, whats going on?. its not the regular ab'ers these are people i have not come across before i know people have heated debates and thats fine but there is no excuse for racist posts, so please people be a bit nicer. sorry wasnt really a question more of a rant but just had to get it of my chest.
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.Hi Loopy - I agree - I havent been on all weekend apart from half hr lastnight when I posted a serious question,but this morning I read a lot of the posts and they are gettting downright silly,nasty and stupid.I dont even get involved in them at all.And people are now posting question asking others to ignore the nasty ones,which the nasty one joins in,and then everyone replies!!! Aaaaggghhh!!!!
Fortunately I managed to miss those posts last night.
I think the AB Ed needs to take much stricter measures with posters. Having racist, sexist, and otherwise bullsh*t answers on the site is totally ruining it. People come here looking for answers to questions - and look what they're getting.
Unfortunately it's the minority who post this drivel, but I have witnessed quite a few people saying "It's not offensive, you just have to understand xyz's sense of humour." Personally, I don't think you could EVER justify these posts as "humour," unless you're a very sick, sad individual.
I think the AB Ed needs to take much stricter measures with posters. Having racist, sexist, and otherwise bullsh*t answers on the site is totally ruining it. People come here looking for answers to questions - and look what they're getting.
Unfortunately it's the minority who post this drivel, but I have witnessed quite a few people saying "It's not offensive, you just have to understand xyz's sense of humour." Personally, I don't think you could EVER justify these posts as "humour," unless you're a very sick, sad individual.
B&S has just gotten worse and worse. I can't believe your thread got pulled Kazzi, it was an honest question with honest replies, and not offensive in the slightest. Whereas, as you rightly point out, there is so much left on here today that is out of order, or just downright nasty and infantile, that it beggars belief.
loopyc...I agree with you. B&S has been quite nippy and bit chy iat times for a while now, but recently, OMG, it's ridiculous. A few spoiling it for the many but as I result, I generally give that topic a body swerve just now, as it's got an uncomfortable and unsettling feel about it.
loopyc...I agree with you. B&S has been quite nippy and bit chy iat times for a while now, but recently, OMG, it's ridiculous. A few spoiling it for the many but as I result, I generally give that topic a body swerve just now, as it's got an uncomfortable and unsettling feel about it.
Hi Jules, thanks babes, and thanks for oyur replies on my Happy thread, you are a sweetheart. I knwo what you mean abotu the nasties keeping others away, but tobe honest, I just can't be bothered with it. Life's too short. I was never a big visitor to B&S because it's been a bit narky for ages now....first because of the anti-chat lobby, now because of the horrids. But actually, I've not been on AB so much at all the past few weeks, it seems to have lost some of the fun, and the spirit is not what it was. I'll keep checking in though, cos there are an awful lot of good guys and laughs still to be found, just a shanme you have to wade through the bile and vitriol to get to them. take care of yourself jules, speak soon no doubt:o) xx
I love a chat, that doesn't mean we can't answer questions aswell. I think thats all part of the fun on here and is why AB is so popular.Its like a little community so we are bound to chat, i certainly feel as if i know a lot of you on here, even though its only through words. If we didn't chat, it would be a cold, formal place to visit instead of the one where our cyber friends are.I think we do have to ignore the nasty ones, they will get bored eventually. It is difficult not to rise to them and i am guilty of this but im gonna try and let it wash over me, however i am quite a passionate person, with strong views so this is difficult.I will always maintain that there are too many nice people on here to let the nasties bother me!!!! THEY WILL NOT WIN!!!! and Kick, the feelings mutual, i too think you are a great person and i love reading your posts! XXXX
Hi loopy, the lesbian russian has been really insulting to a few people in the last week or so,yesterday I put a post on saying why don;t we ignore her/him/it completely and any other **** **** who tries to upset people,it had nearly 100 replies today it is banned, the same with kazzis question,the editor needs to have his head looked at if you ask me,lets hope all the nasties slide back under the stones from where they came. Take care, Ray
I agree Ray,but the prob is that when you posted a genuine request about ignoring her,when she joined in people couldnt resist replying,which defeated the whole exercise! I for one will ignore anything spiteful,even if its a reply to one of my own questions.And I wont post answers to any of the usual suspect names.