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Crossing legs

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GMH | 00:00 Fri 26th May 2006 | Body & Soul
15 Answers
Being male I have always wondered why nearly all women and some teenage girls cross their legs when the sit down. This seems to be more noticeable when they wear skirts or dresses, even though they still do it in trousers or jeans.

Does it have something to do with having periods or menstruation rather than having a full bladder? It seems that males and pre-pubescent females are those who are least likely to do it. I do know that women lose blood when they have a period and have to wear sanitary protection as a result, so do they cross their legs to produce a valve to control the bleeding or to keep the tampon or sanitary towel in place? I suppose that it maybe a little bit like when we cut ourselves � a plaster or bandage over the wound provides a valve to stop the bleeding. Are crossed legs an indication that a woman or girl's periods have started or that the woman is on a period? Girls from the age of 13 onwards seem to do it regularly.

Or do females do it because it simply looks sexier and feminine? � To stop people from looking up their skirt or dress for example. I have always assumed that a woman crossing her legs was a way in body of language of saying "don't look up my skirt, OK?"

Although both sexes obviously do it, about 90% of people I see do it are female. Why is that so?


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lol, it's so that blokes can't see up our skirts! Plus it is the chance to flash a bit of leg and hgighlight our fabulous shoes!
It makes the legs appear longer and gives a sexy look.I don't tend to do it coz it can cause varicose veins. Its also flirtatious and if a woman crosses her legs and the top leg is pointing at you then its meant to mean she likes you.
there's a bit in Huckleberry Finn where Huck's disguised as a girl, with a long skirt on; someone is suspicious so throws something towards him when he's sitting down, and he automatically closes his knees to catch it - giving himself away because a girl would automatically have spread her legs, and her dress, out to catch it. So I should think leg-crossing is more modern, related to the wearing of shorter skirts. Also to stop waves of blood gushing out, of course.
oh I'm loving these google ads that appear to the right, they know the answer!
its also comfy
oh and a word of advice GMH, dont get too caught up in the details of menstuation and dont ever say that word to a girl either, its highly unattractive!
Im with Eminoz its just comfortable. Like its comfortable for men to sit with their legs a bit open

I only seem to cross my legs when Im wearing a skirt or dress.. Like what dot.hawkes said .. "so you cant see up our skirts"... I dont feel its comfortable to cross my legs in jeans tho, just my ankles.. And GMH, you really have to lay off the period thing.. to me it made you sound abit creepy..


im with you there jen, GMH, you do seem a little over enthused with the issue of menstruation. surley thats not a normal guy thing? yuck!

Blimey GMH you have got some odd notions on us girls lol. Serious talk here young man. When we have our periods, crossing our legs won't do a thing to stop any flow or block any valve!!!ha ha. Only our veins eh. That sounds highly uncomfortable too and sanitary products do the trick just fine on their own. They don't need any help at all staying in place I can assure you.

I reckon, if women could, they would sit like men. It is far more comfortable. In fact, it is an unnatural position to sit with your knees tightly clamped together but it is just unfeminine not too. Personally, locking the legs at the knees is a way of hooking them together in a more comfortable way.

However I think I will think twice about doing in in front of men again GMH .....

Apparently the reason women do it more than men has something to do with the difference in the shape of our pelvises. It's supposedly (sp?) more comfortable for women.
Why do men sit with their legs wide apart? or at a right angle resting on their knees?
....Because they have something inbetween that would get squished if they sat like a woman!

Women don't have that problem therefore get to sit more elegantly! Its great being female! ;o)
GMH, it's a little freaky that you seem to have studied when women cross their legs and which type of women do it! And the fact that you know quite so much about periods is a little weird too! I think it's probably safe to say that you are the only man who's ever associated crossing legs with periods!! Did it not occur to you that if we wear short skirts and sit with our legs in a natural position that the world and his wife would get a flash of underwear!! It's to protect our modesty that we sit this way and it's a little more comfortable than sitting with our knees clamped firmly together looking like an old fashioned school teacher!!
awww, don't knock a guy too much for trying to find out about women; he doesn't know, so he asks. Fair enough, really.
Hi5's to emin0z, ktlou and sunflower68.. and yes jno you do have a point also.., But really.. who has ever thought that much into crossing legs and relating it to a womens blood

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