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Pregnant Hair

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Curious79 | 13:52 Thu 01st Jun 2006 | Body & Soul
7 Answers

Hiya, I have just found out I am pregnant. I have afro hair that needs relaxing. I don't want to do this for the first three months. Anyone have any ideas on a low maintenance solution for the next two months? Thanks :o)



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Couldn't you just have plaits put in or similiar???
yeah i agree your best bet is plaits cos your not sure whats in the chemicals and what to use whilst pregnant,you could ask your doc if its safe to relax your hair now? x
ask youryour hairdresser what chemicals are used, then check with your doc.
Don't any ideas but just wanted to say congratulations and good luck with your pregnancy xx
congrats curious79!!!
Question Author

thanks everyone

hi curious, congratulations :D

Im with mcfluff on this one. When I was about 6/7 weeks pregnant with my son I got nits after being at my daughters playgroup. I was devasted as the nit lotion said not to use in the first 3 months of pregnancy. No way could I walk round with nits for weeks on end, so I went to the doctor. He told me it using it just the once would be fine. I think some hair treatments say to avoid using as they may not work due to the changes in your body, check with your GP, he will tell you if it is harmful to your baby.

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