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Wifes Birthday

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raysparx | 17:17 Mon 19th Jun 2006 | Body & Soul
43 Answers

Hi all,

It is my wifes birthday today,and i'm taking her out for a meal,I went out and also brought a big box of Ferero rochets,cos she likes them, when I got to the counter,the girl said oh I love them, so I gave them to her,and her face was a picture, I then got another box for the wife, good deed or mug????



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Ray,it was my birthday yesterday and no-one on here remembered apart from kipchik and *lia*,and no-one gave me any chocs,didn't even get a card off you!!!!! lol i did have good day out though with hubby and kids at 'British superbikes' so i'm quite satisfied thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I don't think julie likes you much wardy,have you upset her? she is a lovely lady,you know, you should kiss and make up, but methinks you like the wind up bit better, am I wrong???
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Hi electric,, I didn't know it was your birthday honest, Happy birthday for yesterday, glad you had a good one,you take care, Ray xx
maybe she thought you were an ambassador?
I can't even mention his name in the same sentance as yours ray! How very different you are. He likes to think he winds me up but his latest effort failed miserably! anyway, back to you ray as this is YOUR thread, have a lovely evening with your good lady wife! take care xx
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Hi jno, don't know what she thought,just stood ther with her mouth open. do you think I should have put a choccie in there for her?

Thanks julie, I am sure we will have a nice meal,it is Junes favourite place, and she is such a goodun, we have been together since the 60s,she was at school when we met,mad isn't it, Ray xx

What a lovely thing to do , on the other hand , would you have given them to her is she was fat .covered in moles ...lank greasy hair and smelt like fried chicken?

I love you Ray!

And yes, I reckon she must have been a stunna ;o)

lol Blyss!
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Are you saying she wasn't blyss?

I didn't get near enough to sniff,but she was just quite a plain girl,not a raving beauty by any means,it shouldn't matter should it?

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Anyway Blyss, if she had smelt of chicken I would have probably started licking her, there and then, !!
Well Ray, if you've got it then flaunt it ( the money that is)
nice one john boy
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Hi prof, you Ok?

goodnight jimbob!!!!
im sorry raymond nice bloke that you are but this post is in danging of bringing my shepherds pie back up :)
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Well I have to go and wash my cods now,cos wer'e off out for our meal and a drink or three, thanks all take care, Ray
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He y prof, if it does come up, can I have it? I am partial to a bit of shepherds pie, has it got brown sauce on?

You are right prof,but I am a sucker for the ladies,as you are according to a certain Mrs Harris !!!!
well shes a very lucky shop girl , is all I can say .lol

btw ..I really like yellow roses Ray
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Youv'e got it blyss, take care, ray xx

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